This is a continuation to my previous blog:
For Context, also read: Day 79: Stepping out of Character with LOVED ONES - Creation's Journey to Life, Bernard Poolman.
Part 3: The Mother/Daughter Character - Looking at specific Characters:
The Submissive Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as the Submissive Daughter Character in this world to go into my mind with back chats towards the Mother character that I've created for me to remain submissive and participate with spiteful thoughts, resentment, anger and frustration where I'm having internal conversation with the mother character in my mind, in the attempt to prepare myself to stand up for myself and yet, what I haven't seen, realize and understood that in the moment I've prepared myself to stand up in my mind, placing the mother character within and as me where I talk to her in my mind, I've actually created and manifested the controlling mother character.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as the Submissive Daughter character in this world to have create this character based on past memories that I've imprinted into my flesh where I was punished, yelled at or got beaten and through preserving the fear, I've locked myself within and as the Submissive character, trapped myself to the extent to which I will never step out of the character.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how I have always been my own character creator and the script that I've written for myself and thus, I've blamed everything and everyone for my existence of me as the submissive daughter character in this world so that I would not have to face my own creation and thus, could remain forever enslaved. Because I've failed to see that for me to be the submissive daughter, I must have created the controlling character that will allow me to remain in the submissive character.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself as the Submissive Daughter Character in this world to see, realize and understand how I've created polarized characters wherein I will either integrate myself within and as the character of the submissive daughter it my complete and entire human physical body and become Equal to and One as the character and so, I will always remain within the Submissive character wherein I would create my children in the image and likeness that would suit with my Submissive character and would thus then, create my children as abusers of me. OR - I will either balance the existence of me as the Submissive character through the children that I've created and would become the exact duplicate of the Mother character that I've created earlier in my life and thus, create the characters of my children as submissive so that we can all together - continue the cycle and thus make sure that none of us will ever step out of character.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself as a submissive daughter character in this world to try and attempt to control the friends in my life in the attempt to balance my character without realizing that I've actually also created the controlling character and thus made sure that I will always remind in character. What a nice trap.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as the controlling mother character in this world, to create and manifest the child as the submissive character so that I could remain in my perceived control to hide behind my other character of inferiority and thus, through missing that very basic understanding of creation, I've NOT allowed myself to create myself as life but rather, created enslaved, controlled and limited life for myself and existence as a whole.
I commit myself to show that as long as one create one's character in one's mind, one will remain enslave to one's own creation and will never become LIFE within and as the physical reality.
I commit myself to show that as long as one continue blaming others for one own creation of characters, one is deliberate responsible for the future of this world as one will continue creating more and more character to justify why one must remain in character because others are wrongs and will not stand in the face of LIE(f) and create LIEF that is best for all.
I commit myself to show how the cycle of abuse continue as we create our children in the image and likeness that will suit with the characters that we've created for ourselves and within that, make sure the children will remain in character and so, create their own children's character, generation after generation after generation.
I commit myself to show how we are not in fact changing when we jump from one character to the other character in the attempt to balance ourselves as character and that in fact, we have only created another character.
Awesome Maya, thanks for sharing
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