This is a continuation to my previous blog:
For Context, also read: Day 79: Stepping out of Character with LOVED ONES - Creation's Journey to Life, Bernard Poolman.
Part 4: The Mother/Daughter Character - Looking at specific Characters:
The Caring Daughter and the relationship with the Mother
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a caring daughter character to have failed to see that who I am as an unconditional self expression of 'Care' wasn't practically applied as my starting point wasn't Equal and One what's best for all but rather, a self interest desire for an experience due to a past memory where I was rewarded for my caring action.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create and manifest myself as the caring daughter character due to FEAR of an idea I have about consequences wherein, if I won't take care of my parents, my children won't take care of me and so, my starting point in being the caring daughter character wasn't a self expression of who I am but rather another character to hide and suppress the fear character and so, I trapped myself in character, creating more character to suppress myself as character and in that, making sure that I will never step out of character and live in a complete suppression of who I am as Life that is best for all.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider that the reason for the fear of not being taken care of when we get old and thus, require our children to take care of us, is due to a self interest world system that we've created ourselves wherein, if we don't have money nor children, we won't be taken care by the system and thus, we have created characters as the caring children to ensure our survival in this world without realizing that we've ignored the real creation that we require to create - a world system that is best for all so that caring as a living expression of the word would be unconditional, as a self responsibility for all that are here, equal and one, regardless their culture, religion, skin colour, status etc.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed to see my starting point in my creation of me as the caring daughter or mother wherein within that care, I've been trying to control the relationship that I've created to keep me in character.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that I've created me as the caring daughter/mother due to my fear of lose and I haven't realize that the fear of lose is just another character that I've created to not see that I'm in character and within that, not see me as LIFE that is eternal as who I am and within that blindness and ignorance, I believed that when my loved one dies, there is a part of me that I would lose and thus, I have to make sure that this part of me will never dies as I take care if that part and within that, I have failed to see, realize and understand equality and oneness as life that is eternal because I've separated myself from myself as life through defining death as the end without realizing that EVERYTHING has always been here, will always remain here as I'm here.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as fear of survival character, to design and manifest the Caring daughter character to ensure one's future financial stability as the desire for more money character, where the desire for money character would desire to receive a bigger portion of the heritage when one's parents would die due to one's caring character throughout the parents' life.
I commit myself to show that the Care character that we dress ourselves within and as, is not the living expression and practical application of the word 'Care' as it is done within the starting point of self interest desire for an experience as a reward.
I commit myself to show how we have imprinted the memory experience of rewards in relation to our Care towards others which has then become our starting point within walking the word Care.
I commit myself to show that the way 'Care' is being lived nowadays is within and as FEAR that drives us unconsciously and that FEAR is due to our understanding of how the system currently work and function as we've created this reality within the starting point of self interest and thus, it is our responsibility to recreate this existence within and as principle of oneness and equality by clearing up the mess that we have manifested within and without.
I commit myself to create a system that will take care of all individual equally and the fear of not being taken care of when we grow older will not be our primary reason for a character creation that will take care of us but rather all our creations will be from within and as that which is best for all LIVES.
I commit myself to show that the establishment of Equal Money System will diminish the inherited design of fear of the future and within that, the desire for money. That will bring about humanity that truly care for each other as part of who we are as the realization of absolute self responsibility for ourselves and existence as a whole.
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