This is a continuation to my previous blog:
For Context, also read: Day 79: Stepping out of Character with LOVED ONES - Creation's Journey to Life, Bernard Poolman
Part 2: The Mother/Daughter Character - Looking at specific Characters:
The Rebellion Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a daughter in this world, to create myself as the character of and as the rebellion daughter and for me to be able to exists within and as this character, I had to create the parents in the image of likeness that will suit my character and I have failed to realize that my perception of my Parents where within the eye of myself as the character, seeing them as the characters they have created for themselves instantaneous as I created them as characters that will allow me to sustain my rebellion daughter character.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a daughter in this world, to create and manifest myself as a character of the rebellion daughter through continually and continuously justifying in my mind why is it that I'm right and my parents are wrong and I haven't realized that within that very moment of participating in my backchat, I've created another dimension of myself, another character - the one that justify my self interest of "I'm right".
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a daughter in this world to believe that the parents are constricting and limiting my freedom as well as my expression and I haven't realized that within that belief, I've created myself as a character - an inferior character that blame everything for the limitation and constriction that I've placed upon myself as a character. And then I go, and try to rebel against my own limitation and constriction through the characters that I've created as the parents so that we can all in agreement, sustain all our characters and within that, make sure that we will not step out of characters.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a parent in this world, to limit my child expression within and as the character that I've created as myself, to protect my own fears which I've not seen that it was always just another character which I've superimposed on my daughter character.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself as a parent in this world, to see, realize and understand how I've created my rebellion child character in the image and likeness of myself as a rebellion child and how, generation after generation, I've looped myself as a character and all my family member's character so that we can all stay in character to ensure that none of us will step out of character.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, as a family member in this world, how I've created our characters in self interest, so that we will never step out of our characters and create LIFE that is best for all in fact and how, generation after generation, I've kept all the character in place, playing the same script over and over again.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that so long as I keep my characters: Fear, self interest, cultural beliefs, opinions etc. I'm creating more and more characters to sustain those characters which include creating my children as characters that may rebel to my character exactly as I've rebelled to my parents characters and here we go - creating a never ending time loop where we are all kept as characters that we have created ourselves as characters to ensure one single point - that our self interest will remain and we will never require to clean up the mess that we have left after ourselves.
I commit myself to show and expose how we've created, generation after generation ourselves as characters; either of the child or the parents and within that, looped the same points over and over again, so that we won't have to actually face the mess that we've created ourselves, to not have to clean the mess that we've created ourselves and thus, continue reserving the character, life after life after life, instead of actually creating LIFE that is best for all, through cleaning up the mess for once and for all.
I commit myself to show that the only way the rebellion daughter character can stand intact, is through creating the parents as a character wherein both will play the written script that we have all agreed to play and stand as.
I commit myself to assist and support myself to step out of characters through taking all the characters that we have created in this world, delete them from within and as me until no character remain and LIFE can be created in fact.
In the next blogs to come:
The Submissive Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
The Perfect Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
The Caring Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
The Clever Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
The promiscuous Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
The Loving Daughter and the relationship with the Mother:
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