Apr 20, 2012 | By: A Woman

Facing Gossip – Day 7

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that through accepting and allow the thoughts about other beings in my mind, I accept and allow a pattern of gossiping and in that, indicating that my thoughts as the nature of me are in fact Evil.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to define myself as righteous because I’m not participating in gossiping without realizing that if I allow myself to participate in thoughts towards another human being, I am indeed participating with gossiping. And within that, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the nature of my thoughts as gossiping because I’ve define gossiping only when and as I’m in the presence of other human beings.

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to realize that when and as I hear people gossiping about something or someone and I’ve not directed the point through assisting and supporting the beings with stopping the evil nature of the discussion, I have, in that moment, accepted and allowed abuse because I’ve not taken the responsibility to end the existence of the pattern of gossiping in this world because I feared that if I would, I will be the next target of gossiping as well as being outcast from the group/beings because I’ve not accepted the gossiping habit that is the base of friendship as it is exists today.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to participate in the pattern of gossiping in my mind because I’ve NOT realized that having thoughts about someone else in my mind IS in fact gossiping, but because we are doing it in secret, we believe that it’s valid.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that I’m thinking/gossiping about someone else in my mind while the truth of the matter is that I’m only gossiping about myself with myself and it is never about anyone else but me.  

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed the evil nature of human beings in this world through thinking in my secret mind thoughts about another being without realizing that exactly as I am participating in it, everyone else are doing the same but none of us are really taking the responsibility to stop the evil nature as our thoughts that we have become because we think and believe that if we are doing it secretly, it is valid because we apparently, do not harm anyone however, through accepting and allowed the evil nature of the thoughts, we are accepting and allowing the evil nature of this world without taking the responsibility and direct ourselves according to principle of oneness and equality.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed the blame towards those who participate in gossip without turning the point back to myself to see that I’m doing exactly the same through accepting and allowing thoughts about another human being without giving it directing – other to stop my participation when as the topic of the backchat discussion is based on self interest or, direct the point physically when the nature of the discussion is a point that required direction because that is what is best for all and in that – I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed the accumulation of thoughts about a point that require direction and yet, I didn’t direct it because I feared conflicts without realizing that not directing a point that require direction is basically the acceptance and allowance of compromising myself, others and this world because I’ve not taking the responsibility to stand up and walk in every breath according to what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to be confused when a point require direction and instead of cross referencing it with another being, I haven’t done so because I thought that discussing it will be considered as gossiping however, I haven’t realized that if I accept and allow myself to keep thinking about it without giving it direction, I’m gossiping within myself and compromising not only me but also everyone else.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the evil nature of ourselves as the participation with thoughts about other human beings and I haven’t considered that if that is being allowed within ourselves, that is also allowed within this world system and thus, we are causing the harm of the integrity of others by spreading false rumors.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed the design of friendship that is defined by gossiping about people in this world without considering the harm to the integrity of others when spreading rumours that have no substantial context to it.   

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can fit in to groups of people if I have something in common with them like gossiping about other people and I’ve NOT realized that this type of friendship is not valid in anyway because instead of directing ourselves and our world to stop the habitual nature of gossiping as the evil nature of ourselves, we have accepted the pattern as valid and OK because we feared that if we won’t, we will not be accepted by society.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that through complaining about beings with other beings, I’m actually participating with the gossiping pattern because I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to find a solution and/or direct the point but I rather stayed in the complaining mode so that I could define myself better than the other person as well as self righteous.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to participate in gossiping either within myself or with others because I’ve tried to validate me through compromising and diminishing other being in my life so that I could define and experience myself as more than them.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to find it interesting to gossip about other human beings in this world in the nature of celebrities because through finding false in those who have money, fame and power, I believed that my life isn’t useless and lame as I perceived it to be.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself through gossiping about celebrities and finding fault in them, I’ve justified why my own life are fine and ok because apparently, their lives are more fucked up even with their fame, money and power but what I’ve missed was that as long as NOT all lives are fulfilled in the utmost potential, none of us are really fine and ok and thus, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to waste my time in gossiping about people in this world instead of utilizing the time to actually do something meaningful in this world and finding a solution that will insure a dignified life for all.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that the nature of gossiping is actually due to jealousy because self perceive oneself as lacking and thus, through participating in gossiping, one is avoiding what is here as what as self accepted and allowed self to be and become in separation of self, and missing a moment of opportunity to bring the point back to self, face, correct and change.

I commit myself to stop my own participation of thoughts towards another human being in the nature of gossiping and instead, investigating within myself what the nature of the discussion that I’m participating with within my mind is revealing to myself and how through that, I can assist and support myself to become in fact a being that is worthwhile.

I commit myself to stop the nature of gossiping within my mind.

I commit myself to – when and as I see myself accessing thoughts about another human being in the nature of gossiping, I stop, I breathe and I bring myself back here to and as my human physical body. I realize that if I accept the evil nature of gossiping within myself, I accept and allow the evil nature of this world and for the world to change, I have to change within the principle of oneness and equality.

I commit myself to – when and as I see myself participating with gossiping, either within myself or with others, to ask myself whether I would speak the same words if the person that I’m speaking about was here. If the answer is No, I immediately stop, breathe and direct myself and/or the people that I’m with to turn the point back to self and see what self has accepted and allowed self to participate with, in separation of oneself and one’s world.


Anna Brix Thomsen said...

Awesome point to take on Maya - thank you!

Wei Wu said...

Thank you for sharing! Awesome support!

kevina said...

thanks for sharing this- it really helps me with my process..:)

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