Jun 19, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Decision of TIME - Day 67

This is a continuation to:

Commical_Sense_-_time_resizeI forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself  to see in self honesty that my decision of walking in every moment of every breath according to principle of that which is best for all, wasn't absolutely clear, because if it was, I wouldn't have spend time in Backchat, internal conversations and thoughts within and as me.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how deceptive the statement of " I don't have time" is because if I play with the variables and add Money to the equation as a reward for my good work, I would simply walk all my tasks until they are done and perhaps I even would have take more tasks on myself, to increase the rewards (Money) and I would still won't make the statement "I don't have time to do everything".

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself in self honesty, to see, realize and understand that when I allow myself to participate in the statements: "OMG, I don't have time, I will not make it, I don't have time for myself", I'm actually wasting my time in thoughts, emotions and feelings instead of standing up, delete the experience of stress, self victimization and simply direct myself as effectively as possible, breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that if my decision to walk in every breath according to that which is best for all was clear, I wouldn't have accepted and allowed myself to be stressed and nervous about not having enough time during the day because clearly, I did have time to participate in backchat. What I'm showing here to myself is that when and as I allow the thought "I don't have time,  omg" to come up from within me - what I know is that I wasn't breathing, I wasn't clear in my starting point and that I must take a step back, realign myself back to myself and my decision and to accordingly walk my day to day responsibilities, breath by breath until it's done.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself  to consider that when I experience my day to day tasks as a burden within and as myself, I'm not in fact here within and as my human physical body but rather somewhere in my mind, missing a breath. And within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to red flag the experience of burden within and as myself in relation to my day to day tasks because the very fact that I gave permission to the experience should worry me as it is indicating that my initial decision of walking those tasks was not done from the starting point of what is best for all but as a point of self interest to be able to reward myself with Energy that I would get from others, who would validate and approve me according to what I do.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that if I compare the amount of my daily tasks with the tasks that others have, I'm not in fact standing clear within my decisions of walking my daily tasks because if I would have a clear starting point, what others do or not, wouldn't influence me in anyway whatsoever and I would focus on my breath by breath living application and walk my daily task in the utmost effective way possible regardless of the others.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that some of my tasks might be lagged as there is so much that one can do within each and every breathe and thus, instead of judging myself for not having it all done, I direct myself to assess in self honesty whether I was effective throughout the day and if not, I investigate where, when and how I wasn't absolutely directing myself effectively  to be able to correct my living application and change that which required to be changed;

I commit myself to realign my starting point within everything that I do according to that which is best for all. When and as I see energy movement as frustration, stress, burden, anxiety, comparison and judgement, I stop, I bring myself back to this physical reality, I ground the energy back to earth and I direct myself to apply myself, as the expression of who I am, breath by breath.

I see, realize and understand that my starting point thus far wasn't clear as I've accepted and allowed back chat to exists within and as me. I take responsibility to investigate and introspect in self honesty and through a process of self forgiveness, to then thus, stop indulging into self interest desire for a reward and instead, to move and direct myself as who I am, as life that is best for all, in every moment of every breath.

I commit myself to stop the back chats that I've automated in separation of me, as I see the consequences of allowing backchat for myself and this world. Every moment that I spend in my mind, is another moment that I could have done something that actually has value in this world, it is another moment that someone is dying from starvation and it is another moment that I've separated myself from myself and this existence as a whole.

I commit myself to assess my days every night before I go to sleep and to check in self honesty the level of effectiveness that I've walked throughout the day and accordingly take responsibility, correct and change.


Michelle said...

Thanks Maya

Anna Brix Thomsen said...

Awesome blog Maya! Really cool example of self-support here. Thanks a lot for sharing this.

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