May 13, 2012 | By: A Woman

Inadequacy, failure and self judgement - part 1 - Day 30

Art by Andrew Gable
Ok, so there where 4 points that I wanted to look at and walk the self forgiveness today and I couldn't see clearly neither of them. I started writing about one point and I stopped. Than I tried to write about another point but I saw that I'm forcing myself into realization that is based on knowledge and information and not truly seeing the point for myself which was also a point of self judgement because I did write, I did applied myself but I followed my mind telling me that I'm not good enough and my realizations are not real. So I decided to follow my mind and stop the writing. However, than overwhelmingness emerge and I access emotions of self judgment, inadequacy and failure for not being able to walk through points because according to the idea that I've created in my mind, I should be more than capable to walk through any point that I would like to take on but what I've missed was that I am able to walk through the point, if I give myself the permission to see through the points instead of following my mind that tells me that I can't.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to access emotion of inadequacy and failure through comparing myself to an idea of what I should be and whom should I be when writing my Self Forgiveness because the idea of me didn't meet with the physical reality.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to miss a breath through allowing myself to judge myself as inadequate and failure and within that perpetuate the power that I allowed my mind to direct, control and enslave me instead of not accepting and allowing myself to follow my mind telling me that I'm a failure and become the directive principle within self trust.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to be hard on myself instead of embracing me and giving me the time and space within self patience to walk my process of getting myself back here by stepping out of my mind.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to compare myself to an idea of me that I've created through comparison to other being in my world who I see as more effective than me instead of realizing that I'm walking my own process that has nothing to do with anyone else and comparing myself to others won't make the process any more easier and thus, it's unpractical and irrelevant and in fact, a form of self abuse and I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to utilize self judgement as evaluation for myself so instead of supporting myself I've diminished myself.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to access overwhelming when a few points to investigate and walk through are here and instead of walking one point at a time with self trust and self commitment, I gave in to my mind that told me that I'm a failure for not being able to walk through the points effectively.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to approach the points within the starting point of fixing the problem and thus, tried to superimpose the correction without practically walking each point at a time line and within that, became stiff and hard on myself instead of STOPPING and see what is the real point that is playing out and simply be gentle with myself and walk through it one step at a time, one breath at a time.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed an idea of me to be my directive principle and thus, I haven't realize that I'm trying to define myself according to how I present myself instead of practically assist and support myself with walking in humbleness and gentleness in every moment of every breath.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think that if I write about a point then I'm done and when time pass by and I realized that the point is still here as another layer/dimension that I've not seen before, than I'm a failure and inadequate because I fall on the same pattern instead of simply take the point deeper in my application and allow myself to see that which I've missed before and simply walk the practical living application in breath

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to become angry and frustrated when not seeing a point in its totality but I've failed to see that I didn't absolutely allow myself to see the point and gave myself the permission to see the point and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to manipulate myself within the belief that I'm not seeing the point even if I want to see the point because within wanting to see the point, there is a energetic desire and it is not absolute permission to actually see the point and I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that wanting to see the point isn't to give myself the permission and the allowance to see the point because within want, there is a hidden agenda of wanting to define myself as more than.

I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to see that I'm comparing my process to other people processes within the starting point of wanting to be the "best in class" - to be the person that everyone are looking up to  and within that, sabotaged and compromised myself through having the starting point being based on others instead of having the starting point based on me, based on assisting and supporting me.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to trust BREATH and through that trust make a commitment and a decision to remain in breath but instead, gave myself excuses and justification for why I have to walk a process to get myself to breath even though the obvious is here - I'm breathing HERE and I trust my breathing here and all I've got to do is breathe!

Art by Andrew Gable
So, I commit myself TO be gentle with myself, be humble with myself and respect and worthy myself in every moment of every breath and within that, not accepting and allowing myself to suck into emotions and feelings and thus, I commit myself to BREATHE and to realize that if I miss a breath, I stand up and return to breath.

I commit myself to walk points according to a timeline and not allowing myself to access overwhelmingness because it is a self manipulation in a form of excuses and justification for why I cannot simply breathe and bring myself back to myself.

I commit myself to stop all judgement because I realize it is not serving me or anyone else. I commit myself to instead evaluate myself in every moment and question myself, my acceptance and allowances and direct each and every moment in absolute self trust as Breath, point by point by point.

I commit myself to stop comparing my process to other being processes as I realize that I'm walking my own process that has nothing to do with other people. I realize that walking process isn't a competition and that the final step will be when everyone have walked their processes.

I commit myself to stop competition, comparison and jealousy and walk myself in breath.

I commit myself to stop defining myself according to other people.

I commit myself to myself.


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