Nov 21, 2012 | By: A Woman

Depression - Self Interest or a Real Physical Condition? - Day 221

This is a continuation to:

Kris Knight



For the purpose of context, suggest reading these posts above prior to reading the post below, if you haven’t already. Here I will be walking the 'I don't have TIME' Character - Reaction Dimension - Practical support with Self Forgiveness and Self Commitments.



Reactions Dimension:

* Jealousy

* Frustration

* Irritation

* Anger

* Judgment and Self Judgment

* Impatient

* Self Pity

* Depression

* Anxiety

* Stress









One must understand that the context of what I've been walking in my last few blogs was Specifically within the context of the 'I don't have Time' Character. Today, I will be walking the Depression that I've accepted and allowed myself to participate with, within the 'I don't have Time' character.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the self created Depression that I've accepted and allowed to exists within and as me, when the 'I don't have time' character take the front, was done deliberately to justify the belief that I don't have time as Equal to and One as the accepted and allowed Self Pity design. (For more context, please read the previous blog - Please feel Sorry for me - Day 220).


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe myself when I felt Depressed because apparently, I didn't have time and within that belief, I've sabotaged, compromised and limited myself in actually looking at what is behind the Depression and how I was utilizing the depression as self manipulation to not face my own self interest desires that were activated within and as my mind, in the imagination domain. (For more Context, please read Stupidity Loop - Jumping from the Bad to the Good to the Bad - Day 196 and Leaving in a Dream - Day 208)


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to follow the feeling of Depression to justify why I took a moment for myself, to do nothing, and why it was 'ok' for me to neglect and compromise the things I committed myself to get done and instead went and do things to please my desire for entertainment because according to Society codes that I've accepted and allowed as myself, as a religion of myself, "it is valid to take a momentary 'break' when feeling Depressed; everybody does that".


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how I've manipulated myself and others within the Depression embodiment within the belief that I'm entitle to feel depressed because everybody does from time to time and therefor, I can take a moment and indulge within my self interest desires even though 'I don't have time' for it. Within this, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider the Physical reality but rather, trusted my mind within the experience of Depression to justify for myself that it's ok to take a momentary break and thus, have not realized, seen and understood that within that justification, my directive Principle is my Mind and not Me that moves equal and one as the physical as what is best for all. In this, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, that I do not require any form of manipulation to move myself in any given moment but rather, stand in self honesty, assess what would be best for all in a moment and accordingly move myself, without the mind telling me how I feel, what I should do, who or what I am


Withering (by Hsiao Ron Cheng)I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to base my decisions according to how I perceive my Experience through my mind instead of trusting the Physical within the principle of what is best for all and move myself accordingly. Within this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to trust the experience of Depression, as if it is me, not seeing, realizing and understanding how I am the only creator of the depression within and as me and how I have used and abused myself in manipulating myself within the belief that I am depressed, to justify my fall into my own desires in the nature of self interest and to thus, compromise myself within giving up on that which I've committed myself to.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how deliberate depression is, within and as me where I would give up on Life, on the Principle of what is best for all through justifying to myself my fall in the name of Depression that would entitle me to indulge and take the time I require to 'heal' myself from the depression because apparently, it wasn't me who decided to become depressed "because it is real and I could feel it" and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to trust the Physical, to trust the Principle of what is best for all and instead, trusted my mind, in separation of me, within the belief that I'm experiencing Depression and that it is real because I can feel it.


I Commit myself to when and as I see myself accessing Depression, and now I'm referring whatever the reason for the self created depression is, not only in the context of 'I don't have time' character to Stop, Breathe, and remind myself why and How I've seen for myself that I've deliberately created depression to manipulate myself in not facing the real core/source/origin of the Depression as a cover-up to justify my desires in the nature of self interest. Within that, I commit myself to investigate and further expand the my SF application with regards to Depression within all the layers of the mind, for myself, and accordingly, to walk the correction process that is required to be walked, in self honesty/realization.


I Commit myself to Trust the Physical as what is here that I can cross reference and within that, to not trust the mind within the experience that I 'Feel' as I now see, realize and understand that whatever I feel and see through my mind is self created deception and it's not actual direct seeing of and as the Physical and if I accept and allow myself to trust my mind, I accept and allow the diminishment of myself, as living physical being and within that, in every moment that I accept and allow myself to base my decisions according to what I feel or see through my mind, I miss a breath and a window of opportunity to in fact change and walk, breath by breath, within and as the principle of that which is best for all lives.


I Commit myself to Establish Physical Self Trust within and as myself and to assist and support me in making decisions that are based on Physical cross referenced investigation rather than making decisions that are based on mind Trust as I've seen and proven to myself that I cannot trust my mind in anyway whatsoever.


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