Sep 10, 2012 | By: A Woman

Not everything revolved around me - Day 149

This is a continuation to:

The Importance of Physical Communication - Day 148


Life-review-real-communicationI forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that unless I communicate with the beings in my world and come to an agreement with them on each and every single point, there is no way they would stand in alignment with me.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realize that for effective relationship with another human being, communication must be open and expressed as this world is clearly showing us the consequences of ineffective relationship where beings are NOT communicating physically with each other but rather having constant communication with themselves in their mind, with no alignment to each other whatsoever.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to expect someone to do something for me when and as I've not directly communicate and discussed the point with the being and I haven't realized that unless the communication would be steadfast, direct and open, there is no way to establish a supportive relationship with a being that would be based on principle of oneness and equality.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that another may know what I require/need/desire/want without me directly communicate the point with the being and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that even myself is not aware of my requirement/needs/desires/wants due to the extent separation that I've allowed within and as myself and therefor, there is no way another can know what I do not myself.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to be frustrated and angry about another human being that didn't stand according to my desires while I was busy manipulating the communication without being direct within the communication, expecting the other being to comply to my needs, to know what I want from the being; in this, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to turn the point back to myself to see that I am able to assist and support myself in any given moment, in every breath and essentially, do not require another to do something for me to make me feel good about myself.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realize that other human beings are not directly communicating with me when I'm having conversation with them in my mind and have no idea regarding my thoughts, inner conversations, backchat, reactions and unless I first sort myself out and stand stable within and as myself in self honesty and communicate physically with the other human being, our relationship wouldn't cease to exists the moment my inner thoughts/reactions/backchat would accumulate to the extent of me developing resentment towards the being and break of the relationship.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that having conversation with other human beings in my mind indicate that there is something I'm not aligned yet to, within and as myself and thus, I must first stop, take a breath and investigate that which I've accepted and allowed myself to participate with, in separation of myself, direct and change myself and only than, if still required, I direct the communication physically, with the other human being from the starting point of assistance and support of both of us, equal and one.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how and why I've accepted and allowed myself to sabotage and compromise my relationships with other human being in my world through accumulating backchat/reactions towards them without turning the point back to myself to see where I have not being honest with myself and blamed/judged the beings without seeing myself within it and because I didn't want to take the responsibility to change myself, I preferred breaking off the relationship, hoping my backchat/reaction would disappear only what I've not realized was that the backchat/reaction would always be there, cycling from one relationship to another, sabotaging one relationship after the following one, unless I stop, sort out myself and align myself to myself, my world and existence as a whole.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to feel anger and resentment towards a being in my world whom I perceived that one could have done something for me, according to my eye's views, and yet they didn't and I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that they couldn't have done this thing for me unless I directly communicate the point with them, looking together if the point is practical, supportive for both and in alignment to where we are in our current process and within that, coming together to an agreement on that specific point, making a decision together, decision that is based on support of the physical rather than support the mind as to fulfil one's inner desires/wants/needs.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that beings in my environment must comply to my wants/needs/desires even when I'm not directly communicate about it and ask them for support. In this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that this world is revolved around me and everyone must live their lives according to my best interest. In this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realize that I must stand within and as the principle: give as you'd like to receive regardless of whether or not others are walking the principle themselves as I see, realize and understand that when I stand according to principles of give as you'd like to receive, I also stand as an example for others to transform and change themselves according to that which is best for all however, I cannot expect anyone to stand within and as a principle of equality and oneness unless I stand first, in every moment of every breath, stable, sound and clear within myself.


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