May 3, 2012 | By: A Woman

Riding on the back of inferiority – Day 20

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to ride on the backs of those who experience themselves as inferior and I haven’t realized that I’m doing so to hide and suppress the existence of me of inferior by attempting to gain a momentary experience of myself as superior.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to live according to the principle of do to others what you’d like other to do to you and within that, I’ve ride on the back of those whom I perceived to be inferior to me even though when I’m the inferior in the relationship and I’m allowing someone to ride on my back, I do not enjoy the experience, within that, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed others to abuse me to sustain their inferiority through projecting their superiority onto me, exactly as I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse those whom I perceive to be inferior to me while I’m projecting superiority towards them AND, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to experience discomfort and irritation within a relationship where I experience myself as inferior, when someone is abusing that moment to project superiority and I haven’t accepted and allowed myself within that moment to stand up in self trust and direct the relationship effectively because instead, I inverted myself into becoming a complete zombie, accepting the shit of others, in total separation of myself and others.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to become nasty and bitchy to those whom I perceive to be inferior to me as well as those whom I perceived to experience themselves as inferior to me because within that, I was balancing the existence of me as inferior by being able to, for a moment, to be and become superior.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to attempt and control those whom I perceived as inferior to me because through them, I could balance my inferior personality and for a moment, experience myself as superior.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to exists within and as polar personality design of inferior and superior wherein the dominant existence of me throughout my life was the existence of inferior and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to abdicate the responsibility to stand equal to and one as life because when a moment arrived and I felt inferior, I didn’t stand up and directed the moment effectively but rather, remain quiet and within that made the statement that I’m less than life, that I have no power and that I’m limited.  

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to deny the nature of me as an abuser that I’ve become towards myself and towards others within the relationships in my world where I accept and allow the polarity design of inferior/superior to exist within me.

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to see the abusive nature that I’ve become within my relationships with myself and others wherein, I accept and allow myself to ride on the backs of those whom I perceive to be inferior to me without realizing what I’m actually doing which is to sustain the polarity design so that, within a moment, I’m able to experience myself as superior while 99% of the time, I experience myself as inferior.

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to redefine the word ‘Inferior’ and yet, accepted and allowed myself to walk the living expression of the word as myself wherein, Inferior = In Fear and Horror is the living expression of the word within this current world system however, Inferior within the principle of oneness and equality is and can be utilized as a support point wherein when and as One see oneself accessing inferiority, One Stop, Breathe, Correct the pattern and LIVE.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to participate within the polarity design of and as inferiority/superiority without realizing that those two polar existence of me can and must be utilized as a red flag where I stop, breathe, re-bring myself to my human physical body and correct myself in that moment to stand within and as a principle of Oneness and Equality.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to sabotage my relationship with myself and with other beings in my life wherein I’m bouncing between the personality polar design of inferiority/superiority and I’m either inferior within the relationship or the superior within the relationship and I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to equalize and align myself to myself and other beings in my life because I’ve accepted and taken for granted my existence of my mind without questioning and or support myself within establishing a relationship with myself that is based on self trust, self directiveness, self respect and  self worth.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the abuse that I’m accepting and allowing within myself wherein I taken for granted my existence of inferior where I’m trying/attempting to balance myself through projecting superiority towards others.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that the polarity design of inferiority and superiority is based on competition and comparison where I’m comparing myself to other human beings personality design within the nature of superiority/inferiority and thus assessing whether I can compete with them to gain a moment of superiority or whether I should simply become totally inferior when I’m around them.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world system that is based on the polarity design of inferiority/superiority because I haven’t yet stand up as an example of Oneness and Equality as WHO I AM and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see my responsibility within the creation of a world system that is based on a polarity design of inferiority/superiority through the basic common sense that, that which I’m allowing within, I’m allowing without.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world system that is based on a polarity design of inferiority/superiority wherein those who have the power and money are superior towards those who doesn’t have power and money and within that acceptance and allowance, we have agreed to a world where the majority are being enslaved and control for the behalf of a select few and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world system that do not consider and regard everyone as equals and thus, allowed a world of abuse and suffering instead of common sensically a world that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that the polarity design of inferiority/superiority was taught initially within the family construct where the parents are being superior over their children who are inferior to them and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the relationship between the family construct and the world system and thus, remain blinded to our creation of this world within the nature of competition and comparison through and as a polarity design of inferiority/superiority.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the relationship between the world system as MONEY and the Inferiority/superiority polarity design wherein those who have money, has power and thus are superior to those who don’t have money and are being enslaved and control by the elite in this world and I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see my responsibility within it and thus, stand up and become a living example of Oneness and Equality where no abuse is allowed and LIFE isn’t subjected to Money as the living force of this existence.

I commit myself to correct myself and my relationship that I have with myself as well as with others and utilize the experience of superiority/inferiority to a self support transformation tool.

I commit myself to direct and push myself to stop the existence of me of inferior and to stop riding on the backs of other only to sustain the polarity design so that I could feel powerful and worthy by abusing other beings in my world.

I commit myself to stop the existence of me as inferior and align myself as LIFE, equal to and one as the physical and I commit myself to stand as an example and not accept and allow anything that is less or more than WHO I AM as LIFE as the PHYSICAL and thus, direct myself and this world according to what is best for all within the establishing of a world that is best for all lives equally.

I commit myself to – when and as I see myself accessing inferiority/superiority, to STOP, Breathe and bring myself back to my human physical body. I realize that I can and must utilize a flag points such as inferiority/superiority to support myself within my process of facing what I have become and changing myself to WHO I AM as Life as a living principle of Oneness and Equality.

I commit myself to ESTABLISH a relationship/agreement with MYSELF and support myself in all ways possible within my process of stepping out of my mind and stepping into this oneness and equality physical reality.

I commit myself to expose the polarity design of superiority/inferiority within this world system and make sure that all human beings has the potential to be and become Superior human beings within the context of Super-Peer -> Super person of equal rank or standing

I commit myself to stop sabotaging myself and my world through abusing and using others to stabilize the energy body that I’ve become and instead, changing and correcting myself to stand in every moment as a living example, as a living expression of LIFE that is best for all.


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