May 2, 2012 | By: A Woman

Brainwashed consumers – Part 1 – Day 19

For context, please watch ‘Consuming Kids

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to become a consumer without realizing that I’ve been enslaved and control to a system that is created by those who specifically manipulate the masses to become a consumers machines that will do whatever they can to fulfil their implanted desires that they have accepted as themselves, so that a select few can rewards themselves with Profit and power in this world

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider and question the phenomena that has emerged in the last 2 decays wherein children are being spoiled by the acceptance of their children and become ineffective human being who seeks for their rewards as the fulfilment of their desires without considering the consequences to their Human Physical body as well as the consequences to earth that is caused by massive production of impractical goods.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to follow my implanted desires that I’ve accepted to be my own through being brainwashed by the various types of media, within the belief that if I get what I want, I will be satisfied and rewarded, without looking at the consequences of my human physical body as well as of earth that is being destroyed by our impractical and abusive production of goods.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how my desires to buy a new thing emerge within me when and as I’m being exposed to the various types of media and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to be and become the directive principle of myself and my world as I’ve blindly accepted and allowed myself to follow the desires that I’ve believed to be my own.  

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have a free choice within what I consume without realizing that I’ve been accepting and allowing myself to be brainwashed through those who specifically knows how to manipulate beings to consume and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to be influenced and controlled to the brainwashed technics of consumerism and within that, making the statement that I’m less than myself as I’ve no power to make a self directive and common sense decisions.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize the extent of the consumerism brainwashing despite of the physical evidence that I’ve much more than what I need and yet, I believe that I have less than what I need because I’ve been conditioned to the limited belief of lacking and in that, haven’t consider that there are beings in this world that are physically lacking of food, water, clothes, health care and so on, and yet, I didn’t care about them and all I cared about is to get the best new things so that I could feel complete and satisfied. Within that I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that I’m supporting the enslavement of those who don’t have money to survive in this world within the desire, want and need to buy a product for the lower price possible and within that, forced the production chain of profit to have a dramatic effect on those who are being enslaved to make the product while their employee makes profit on their back.

I commit myself to educate myself to learn how the consumerism system specifically works and functions and I commit myself to expose the consumerism system for what it is, to assist and support humanity in becoming the directive principle of themselves and this world so that we can bring about a world that is in fact, best for all.

I commit myself to learn how to support the children of this world in becoming an effective human instead of brainwashed consumer beings that seek to fulfil their implanted desires that they have accepted as themselves.

I commit myself to continue my research and investigation with regards to consumerism and how if effect society and I commit myself to stand as an example for parents and children as to how to be and become an effective human being to establish a society that is designed according to principle of what is best for all.

To be continued…


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