Sep 13, 2012 | By: A Woman

Intimacy in Words - Part 1 - Day 152

This is a continuation to:

Developing Intimate sexual communication with Self - Day 151


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that I'm able to communicate unconditionally with my partner before I have even investigated, developed and establish an a effective communication with myself within and as self integrity and self honesty.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to get to know myself within and as my own sexual expression and within that, have believed that my partner would know how to satisfied me without even realizing that how can ever someone else satisfied me if I never have been able to satisfied myself to the extent of which I'm equal to and one as my human physical body, slowly but surely exploring myself and accordingly, able to communicate with my self with regards to what my human physical body required as a support structure and so, communicate with my partner as to what would support me the most within and as our connectedness regarding our human physical bodies.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have experience shame to speak and communicate about my sexuality with my partner, not ever considering that if I cannot communicate with my partner regarding my physical body support within and as sex, what is the nature of our relationship? And what is it in essence we are busy doing to ourselves and each other if the support structure is not yet standing in alignment to who we are?; what is our foundation for the relationship if it is not based on self honesty communication within and as myself first, and accordingly, move and direct myself within the relationship through communication that is based on effective support as to where we are in our processes and how we could both assist and support ourselves and each other.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to experience shame for wanting to explore and investigate who I am within and as sex; What is sex to me and Why is my physical human body require sex and so, I have judged these common sense basic necessity to get to know myself in all my relationships to myself as I've defined it as wrong/bad/immoral through what I've picked up by our society in its relationship to sex and sexuality.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that my communication with my partner is effective only when we shared with each other for example, how do we experience ourselves, our days etc. and through my definition of a good and effective communication, I've neglected to consider our sexual communication as I've defined that communication to only be a physical expression that result with pleasure and I haven't consider the actual communication where we share and show each others how to support each other within and as our sexual expression and within that, how to assist and support each other to transform our mind sex expression to a physical unconditional expression.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define Intimacy in association to the physical act of sex only and haven't realized the Living Word as - Into Me I see, becoming comfortable with and as myself, getting to know the ins and outs of myself within all my relationships that I've split myself into and as and to within that, get all the parts of me together. Within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that when and as I communicate with a being about sex and sexuality, I'm invading an intimate secretive aspect that I must filter myself and be careful with the words I speak.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself define Intimacy within a sexual context and I haven't accepted and allowed myself to be and become intimate with myself nor with other beings in my world and my environment as I've placed opinions about Intimacy that trapped me in my own seclusion of my mind, fearing my own shadow, not allowing anything or anyone to invade my secretive self. In this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT see, realize and understand the consequence of my acceptance and allowances of fearing intimacy to the extent of not being able to even establish a communication with myself and obviously others.


To be continued..


Anna Brix Thomsen said...

Awesome writing. Very supportive. Thanks!

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