This is a continuation to:
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from LIFE as who I am in oneness and Equality through THINKING and within that I've not Realized, Seen or Understood how I've fucked myself for eternity through thinking as I believed that Thinking is what keeps me alive, existing, without realizing that the nature of the belief originated from a THOUGHT that I've accepted and allowed as myself, in separation from myself and all that is here.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to diminish myself as LIFE through accepting and allowing myself to THINK and I haven't realized that the very essence of thinking is what diminish LIFE as thinking can only exists within and as Energy and Energy is that very essence that consume the Physicality of my human physical body and the physical existence as a whole and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize how I'm damaging and abusing the physical LIFE that is me, through thinking and that the fact of the matter is, that as long as I accept and allow myself to think and through thinking generate Energy, I make sure that LIFE will no longer exists as I accept and allow the energy to consume my physicality of my human body and this physical reality.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as the philosophy character in this world to divert the focus to the real matter that is Life as the physical reality through making the statement: "I think, therefore I am" and I haven't realized that within that statement, I'm trying to make the human being as more than life when it in fact not so because one cannot be more than who one is as LIFE and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that within that statement, I've diminish the Life Source as who I am as I've attached, defined and connected thinking to my existence without realizing that the very thinking is that which consume the physical life until Life will cease to exists if I won't stand up as life as who I am and no longer accept and allow myself to think.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that when my Human physical body stop breathing, my existence as the I that I am now will cease to exists however, when I stop thinking, me as the I remain, exist. thus, it is not thinking that allow that which I am to exists, is the Human Physical body that allows my existence and yet, I keep abusing my human physical body through thinking as the thought integrate to my human physical body at eat my flesh till I am no more.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that if the Flesh Body, that is One of the Dimensions of my Existence, Stops Breathing – the I as I Experience Myself Now, will End. Bernard Poolman
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that I was always the one who decide and my decision was never ONE and EQUAL to LIFE as my decision was to diminish myself as Life through my acceptance and allowance of Thoughts to exists within and as me.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to make the decision to stand as Equal to and One as ME as LIFE as I've decided, long long time ago, to diminish my existence at the very first moment that I've decided to separate myself from myself as life and THINK.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to give up within and as myself, within the belief that I cannot stop thinking because thinking is bigger than who I am, because apparently, I cannot stop the thoughts and I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realize that I am the one who gave myself the permission to THINK. Because though thinking, I am able to experience all those good and positive things, my desires, my imagination, my fantasies and without having those ability to think, imagine, fantasize, I will not be able to fulfil my desires. And within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to give up on the desires despite of the fact that I've seen the self interest starting point of the desires that has nothing to do with that which is best for all lives equally and through not giving up my desires, I have given up on myself, as LIFE and have thus, directly and indirectly, have given up on existence as a whole because I've not fully understood and realize that unless I change, I accept and allow the world to continue as it is, as I've not understood and realized consequences, not understood creation, and not realized LIFE. And within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed the desire to not understand consequences/LIFE/Creation so that I could keep my desires and never change so that I won't have to give up on the I that I am, as multiple networks of personalities/characters; I won't have to become absolute self responsible and self honest and I won't have to let go of all that I define myself as.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to utilize thinking to compare, compete, spite, jealous and judge to maintain my own self interest as the desire to be MORE and I haven't realized that as long as I give myself the permission to think and within that compare, compete, spite, jealous and judge, I'm unworthy as a living being, I'm disrespectful to Life and my existence is meaningless and only cause harm, abuse and suffering.
I commit myself to Stop the thoughts through become Equal and One as the thought, as I see, realize and understand that for the thought to exists, I must give it permission and through becoming Equal to and one as the thought, I can let it go as the character that I created the thought from the get-go.
I commit myself to Stop the thoughts, one by one till it is done, and only I, as Life Remain.
I commit myself to show that thoughts in essence diminish LIFE as the Physical as it is consume the physicality of my human physical body through common sense equation wherein, when I allow myself to loop around one thought pattern for an extensive period of time, Pain manifest within and as my human physical body that can be proven in specificity the relationship between the mind relationship to the physical as I've Supported myself many times through applying Self Forgiveness and practical corrective application till the pain was gone.
I commit myself to show, over and over again that thoughts are not the foundation of my existence but rather the physical reality as Breath that keeps my human physical body existing and functioning and thus, when you stop breathing, the body dies, when you stop thinking, you remain.
I commit myself and thus decide to STOP participating in thoughts as I've seen the consequences for myself internally and externally as this world is a constant reminder to what we have created in thoughts. And thus, I commit myself to STOP diminishing myself in and as thoughts, breath by breath.
I commit myself to show that thinking exists within and as self interest desires to maintain my definition of myself, as a networks of characters that I've defined and lived as, in separation of myself as who I am as LIFE and thus, I commit myself to Drop, LET GO and DELETE the desires that I've become equal to and one as in separation of me and to once and for all, EXISTS as EQUAL and ONE as LIFE that is BEST for all.
I commit myself to show that in thinking we cause harm, abuse and suffering as our thoughts are being utilized to compare, compete, spite and judge within a self interest desires to be MORE than who we are and so long as thoughts exists, Abuse, harm and suffering exists.
More dimension will be walked in the next blogs to come.
Also read – I think, therefor I’m Fucked by Malin Olofsson
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