This is a continuation to:
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define my intelligent through my ability to think and I haven't considered that in essence, I have no idea how the life forms that allows me to have the Life that I have works and functions in absolute perfection despite of the fact that their ability to exists within their perfected expression doesn't involved with a thinking process.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that all the LIFE forms that are not capable of thinking, created themselves in absolute perfection as nature for example and that perfection is the LIFE source that allows me to Exists within and as this physical reality.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT see, realize and understand that while I'm elevate myself within and as my EGO as my own definition of my intelligent for my apparent capability to think and process information, to disregard, harm and abuse all life forms that I perceive as less than who I am because it cannot think without realizing that the very LIFE sources who doesn't think, gives me the ability to think and exits because without it, my life will cease to exits.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to THINK that THINKING gives me power as I can process information but I haven't realized that I have no idea who Thinking really works and functions and with my greatest intelligent, I still have no clue how to work with simple stuff like animals, nature and earth as I've disregarded those life forms to maintain my own existence that I think I am.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define intelligent within and as the ability to think, not seeing, realizing and understanding that my intelligent is in direct relationship to what I was taught from a very young age by my parents, environment, school etc. and have nothing to do with any REAL life skills that one is require to sustain a LIFE that is best for all LIFE forms in existence.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to make sure that everyone on earth will have equal opportunity to educate themselves as I was busy elevate my own intelligent, my own self interest, my own self empowerment because I believed that if I give someone else opportunity as I have given, they will be just another being that I need to compete with and thus, I rather they die and won't ever have access to LIFE.
“Intelligence – ‘Intel – Lie – Genes’
INTEL – as the knowledge and information of the mind consciousness system
LIE – the illusion of knowledge and information in relation to actual physical reality
GENES – the integration of the mind consciousness system as energy as knowledge and information into the human physical body that human beings function through and believe to be real, when in fact actually separated from physical living and existing as a system.
Intelligence is a programme of consciousness/the mind – that consist of and exist as the/a entire body of knowledge and information definitions about ourselves/ ‘who we are’ and our relationships towards ourselves, others and this world as a whole that in fact separate us from ourselves, each other and this world/physical existence. Because we’ve created relationships towards ourselves, others and this world through definitions/programmes within our Mind, and not in fact lived and actual real physical equality and oneness with ourselves, each other and this world. Intelligence is the programme/manifestation that actually separate us from establishing real/eternal relationships of physical equality and oneness.
The programme of intelligence manifests within consciousness/the mind and integrates/extends into our human physical bodies, so that what has happened is that we interact/participate through the physical in physical reality within this programme, INTERPRETING reality / relationships based on our own frames of reference in our minds as the knowledge and information we were TAUGHT that was imprinted / inserted / downloaded into us from those that has gone before us. We in no way stand by ‘who we are’ and actually live and relate to others, ourselves and this world within realising that ourselves, others and this world is in fact ourselves, our own creation. In this, each individual has their own “intelligence database” within consciousness/the mind based on individual self-interest, connected to our EGO’s and so intelligence only serves the Ego of Mind, and in no way contribute to the actual establishing/creating/manifestation of equality and oneness as a world/reality that is best for all, as all are too preoccupied with competing through Ego’s with Intelligence.
With Desteni, we’re in the process of transforming the knowledge and information of intelligence into practical living principles, and changing the starting point of self-interest/EGO to standing as an individual living as/for a principle that is best for all, and thus – transforming knowledge and information as consciousness/system into LIVING WORDS that will create/manifest a world that is in fact best for all.”
Within my next blog, I will be walking the Self Commitments Statements.
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