Oct 21, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Psychology of TIME - Day 190

Commical_Sense_-_time_resizeThis is a continuation to:


The Elite's delusion of stress - Part 1 - Day 45

The Elite's Delusion of Stress - Part 2 - Day 46

The Decision of TIME - Day 67


Copy Paste Character - the Way for Success? - Day 183

Copy Paste Character - The Education System - Day 184

Is it possible to Cheat yourself? Day 185

It is time to STOP Existing as a Human Machine - Day 186

The End of Times - Day 187

Facing the Evil within - the KEY to LIFE - Day 188

Fear of Disappointing others - Day 189


For the purpose of context, suggest reading these posts above prior to reading the post below, if you haven’t already. Here I will be walking the 'I don't have TIME' Character - Fear Dimension - Practical support with Self Forgiveness and Self Commitments.


The List below consists of the Fears which are the foundation of the 'I don't have Time' Character.


Fear Dimension:

* Fear that I'll disappoint other people if I won't take more tasks on myself

* Fear that I would be defined as unworthy because I'm not using my time to
   it's utmost potential.

* Fear that I won't get things done and would regret it when consequences
   would emerged so basically, fear of the consequences.

* Fear that I would be seen as not good enough, replaceable, inadequate

* Fear of being exposed as self dishonest because I know, that if I put my self
   interest desires aside, I'm able to walk my tasks in absolute perfection.

* Fear of Missing out the Positive as Entertainment




* Fear that I would be defined as unworthy because I'm not using my time to it's utmost potential.


Self Forgiveness:


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to create an idea within and as myself that within each and every breath I take, I must do something that is constructive from the perspective of having some work done, and within that idea, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to judge myself when and as I use the time that I have for pleasure, entertainment and indulgent Within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that who I am is not define by what I do but rather Who I am within what I do that is actual measurable in the outcome/result that is best for all and thus, through not accepting and allowing myself to realize that it is not what I do that defines me but rather who I am within what I do, I've accepted and allowed myself to project my own self judgement onto others within the belief that I will be judged for not being worthy if I won't invest in every second of the day, in doing a work and have it done.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fear being judged by others as unworthy when and as I'm taking a moment for myself because I've created an idea that worthiness is associated/defined/connected with what one do in every moment of every breath and unless one is working as much as possible, one isn't worthy. Within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see my desire of being righteous within the point of doing a work and using the time effectively in having things done as a point of judgement of others who are not doing the same and so, through judging others regarding of how they use their time, I make myself feel more and righteous within and as myself and in that, always keep myself busy in having things done so that I could sustain my own worthiness in my own eye's view as well as the experience of righteousness in comparison to other people in my world and my environment.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define TIME within what I do without seeing, realizing and understanding that I've Tied myself to TIME as I've lived the word TIME as 'TIE Me' wherein I have literally tied myself to the idea of time, enslaving myself by Time and being control by the living definition I have given to Time.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define 'utmost potential' within the context of having work done instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that having things done, doesn't define me as who I am as the utmost potential application if the work that is being done, is being done in separation within a starting point of Fear of judgement, fear of disappointing others and the desire of being defined as worthy by others. That implies that what ever I did, wasn't for and as Self, wasn't within breath by breath living application of actually seeing directly what needs to be done within and as the principle of that which is best for all and accordingly, walk as the utmost potential I can be as life that is physically here, breath by breath.



Self Commitments:



I commit myself to SLOW myself DOWN and within that, making sure that I'm Physically Here, walking, moving and directing myself, breath by breath. I see, realize and understand that Worthiness isn't defined by the 'More' that one does, but rather as Who one is within what one does wherein Worthiness is measurably proven by one's actions/application within one's consistency of walking breath by breath within and as the principle of that which is best for all.


I commit myself to assist and support myself through letting go, removing and deleting my own self definitions that I've defined myself as, according to my own programming that I was busy programming myself throughout my life. Within that, to question every action I do, everything I like or dislike, everything that makes me feel worthy and unworthy and to truly discover who I am without all those definitions that I set forth for myself which I automatically live as according to and by.


I commit myself to instead of walking according to TIME as Tie-Me, to assist and support myself in walking Breath by Breath, Moment by Moment according to what is physically supporting me and others and within that, walk my day to day application with Ease, in seeing and realizing that the pressure I put on myself is a stumble stone for things to not be done as I waste 'time' in thinking instead of practical directive movement in every given moment. Thus Time: T-I-Me = the decision I make to move and direct myself in any given moment, within a clear best for all starting point, breath by breath by breath that is not dependent on Energy.


I commit myself to get HERE and find out Who I am as the Utmost potential I can be and become when stepping out of the mind and walking breath by breath within and as a principle of Oneness and Equality as that which is best for all. Within this, I commit myself to assist and support myself to get HERE through walking the layers of my mind from the inside out, in changing myself, my automated acceptance and allowances that I've lived as, as a programmed organic Robot and to transform myself to stand within clear starting point regarding what I accept and allow and what I wouldn't not within myself and my world as a whole.


Art Work – Andrew Gable


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