Jun 3, 2012 | By: A Woman

Love others, Hate yourself - Day 51

This blog is an outflow of an interview that I've heard today which I strongly recommend you to hear if you haven't already - Reptilians - Why Love is so Addictive - Part 47

Elva studenter tar farväl av Umeå konstskola med en utställning, och det är som vanligt en ansenlig bredd. I år, liksom förra året, har andraårseleverna lämnat sina lokaler i Umedalen för att ställa ut i Fabriken vid Strömpilen.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to desire and yarn for a relationship and I haven't realized that the desire is based on Energy that I can cross reference for myself through looking in self honesty at the type of thoughts, back chat and internal conversation within a total obsession and possession in my conscious mind and within that, I forgive myself that I've misinterpreted the energy as desire, love and sex and externalized it in separation of myself within the yarning of being with another being in a relationship/agreement.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that I'm barely able to manage myself within the relationship that I have with myself as I'm bouncing from Hereness to absolute mind control in a split of a second which than raise the question - How can I mange a relationship with another if I'm not able to sustain a supportive relationship with myself? I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to give myself up for an energetic experience of LOVE and SEX and I haven't stop for a moment, to establish an effective agreement with myself, to sort myself out and align myself back to myself before I even consider taking the next step of walking an agreement with another human being. I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to yarn for agreement/relationship and sex because it is much more easier to live within energetic experience and focus on anything else but myself and thus, use the relationship/agreement as a mean to avoid myself and remain enslaved and control to consciousness as ENERGY.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to introspect and investigate why LOVE is so addictive and why we have been spending most of our time in our mind, desiring for LOVE and SEX and within that, have failed to see that it is a deliberate design that we have placed in order to preoccupied ourselves inside our mind, to not have to consider the living expression of the word LOVE that is best for all from the perspective that each and everyone of us will exists in a world where we are taken care of because we are HERE, in this ONE physical reality and there of, having the right for a dignified LIFE.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the addictive consequences of the LOVE experience of ENERGY wherein I'm being obsessed within not only during the days but also during the nights while dreaming which reveal and show the control that energy as consciousness have on me and the extent of separation because I've NOT stood up within myself and absolutely became the directive principle during the days as well as nights.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the very thoughts, back chat, internal conversation that I have towards others in my world in the nature of spitefulness, jealousy, comparison, competition and judgement are existing in each and every single human being and thus, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to raise the question whether I would like to be with someone who allows backchat, internal conversation without being willing to sort oneself out if I haven't taken the responsibility to do the same. And I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to take into consideration that when I'm engaging an agreement/relationship with a being, this being will have nasty, spiteful, judgemental, evil thoughts about me and other beings in this world which I will miss due to the external presentation that we have all are walking and denying it through the yarning experience of LOVE however, if we would equalize our internal nature of ourselves with the
external presentation of ourselves we will most likely will be defined as crazy - which is exactly what and who we are as long as we accept and allow the evil nature that is within to exists as ourselves. And thus, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that assistance and support within an agreement is to support each other to see that which we have become as the evil nature that we are and transform ourselves within and as the principle of equality and oneness wherein, how relationship currently lived as is within the assistance and support of each other to remain evil as the direct reflection of our thoughts, back chat and internal conversation that we believe to be valid because no one can hear or see it, without no consideration nor awareness of the consequences of such allowance wherein this world, and how it manifested is a direct reflection of the inside or ourselves - evil world that is based on inner desires of self interests where the majority is being disregarded and abuse for the abundance of the few.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to daydream about my prospective partner and the LOVE experience that I will hold and I haven't considered or even imagine the type of thoughts, backchat, internal conversation that my prospective partner is having as the real nature of who one is because if I had to consider that point, I will have to consider my own mess in my mind and thus, would must have taken the responsibility to investigate, introspect and change myself. And I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to focus on my own backchat, internal conversation and thoughts to be able to delete the patterns that it reveals and thus, went into the safe place of the LOVE experience as energy, in my mind, disregarding the fact that I won't even want to be with me with all the spiteful, judgemental, nasty thoughts towards another human being in this world and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how beautifully the design of LOVE was manifested to blind us from what is really going on inside ourselves and in this world so that we will not even SEE that which exists within us, within our partner and within all humans in this world and thus, won't address this problem and come with solution to assist and support ourselves to change our nature according to principle of equality and oneness so that our internal nature and our external presentation will be Equal and One as that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see the examples that are playing out in the world of those who are in a relationships that started out with a huge feeling of LOVE and ended of with a huge emotion of HATE and have thus, refused to consider an agreement that is not based on energy of LOVE nor HATE but rather, based on practicality of walking in this ONE life and do what ever it takes to either making sure that the children to come will have a dignified and worthwhile future or either assist and support each other within our breath to breath process of stopping preprogramed patterns and prepare the way before us for an effective upbringing of our children within the starting point of giving them a future that is free from brainwashed of pattern that we've carried from those who have raised us and giving them a proper education that focus on a life skills to be able to become an effective human being in this world, who will continue the way after us, to establish a world that is best for all lives!

I forgive myself that I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that the example of relationships in the world are an absolute demonstration of the Energy polarity of LOVE and HATE wherein, Love turn into Hate in a split of a second and the Good and Positive LOVE energy turned into a Bad and Negative Hate Energy which than raise the question - Is LOVE real if it doesn't remain for eternity? Is love real if it is not a constant breath by breath application? If love is real when it turns into hate? Is Love real if it's not equally distributed to everyone? Is love real if we abuse ourselves and each other?

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the relationship between self hate and the desire for relationship wherein, we believe and perceive that we can feel complete and stop the self hate if we find someone who can accept us just the way we are and I have failed to see that in essence the desire for relationship that we seek after is essentially a relationship with ourselves and we have failed to realize that we do not require anyone or anything to feel complete within ourselves; all we have to do is embrace ourselves and be self honest enough to walk through pattern by pattern, and align ourselves back to ourselves within equality and oneness principle and only than, we can have an interdependent agreement with another human being that will stand the test of time.

I commit myself to show and reveal how we have misinterpreted the Energy of Love and Sex and externalized it in separation from ourselves within the desire and yarning for the energetic experience of LOVE within a relationship.

I commit myself to mange myself as the mind into alignment of and as the physical and transform the dependent energy relationship that I've created with the mind to and as an agreement that will pass the test of time as I walk myself out of the mind and into the physical, breath by breath through a process of stopping pattern by pattern

I commit myself to show how LOVE as energetic self egocentric experience is Addictive as equal to and one as Drugs and the similarity between Drug abuse and Love abuse and Why we require developing rehab programs to assist and support humanity with letting go of the energetic experience of LOVE and instead walk the living expression of LOVE within the principle of Love Thy Neighbour as Thy Love Thyself.

I commit myself to stand as the directive principle during the days and nights and to direct myself effectively breath by breath also in my dreams because the dreams are a direct reflection of that which I allow and give permission to in my sub and unconscious mind and thus, I utilize the dream as a gift to see myself where I normally don't.

I commit myself to show and reveal to the world the evil nature that we have become within our mind as the reflection within as the thought, back chat, inner conversation about other people in our mind as well as without as the reflection of the world that we have equally created through our acceptance and allow whether we see it directly or not and I commit myself to present a solution for the mind gossiping pattern through standing as an example within my writing of Self Forgiveness and walking the physical correction.

I commit myself to show how crazy we really are and how it is in fact all in reverse wherein we define those who speak without filtering their thoughts as crazy while all along, the only thing the differ between normal and crazy people is filtering mechanism that 'Normal' people has developed to be accepted in society despite of their mind revealing the evilness that is within as judgement, spiteful, comparison, jealousy and nastiness thoughts towards others.
I commit myself to show and explain in detail how self destructive and abusive daydreaming and wishful thinking about the 'one' is, to be able to sustain the experience of LOVE and the consequences thereof.

I commit myself to educate and apply myself to stand as a pillar of supportive education for those who will come after me so that we can end the cycle of robotic zombified beings that exists within and as ONE point of self interest and instead, assist and support the next generation to become effective human beings with a proper LIFE skills so that they can lead the future of tomorrow within the principle of that which is best for all. 

Art by  Malin Olofsson


Anonymous said...

Very cool Maya, thank you! I am walking the same points, and this is cool self-support here!

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