Jun 2, 2012 | By: A Woman

Cleaning and clearing out the mess - Day 50

TakingMaskOffI forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react in anger when others have missed a point and it was then thus, my responsibility to clear up the mess but instead of assisting and supporting the being to see the point that was missed, I've become angry and irritated inside myself, not realizing that while I'm cleaning the mess on the outside, I'm creating a mess in the inside within my own participation with emotions and feelings without any support for myself or others.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to perceive that the other do not consider me when they miss a point which I require then to take responsibility for but instead of placing myself in the shoes of the other and assist the being to see the point that was missed to be able to face and correct oneself, I reacted in irritation and anger through victimizing myself and within that, didn't stand as a support for myself and for the other.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react in judgement towards a being that have missed a point within the thought: "they are irresponsible and I'm sick of it" and within that, I've abdicated my own responsibility of turning the point back to myself to be able to see that I've abdicated my responsibility to walk breath by breath because if I would, I would have directed the point effectively within a supportive communication without any energy movement inside me.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react in self righteousness when a being is missing a point which I than require to correct because I perceived myself in that moment to be more than, to be the one who saves the day and I've not accepted and allowed myself to realize that my starting point within correcting the point that was missed was self interest and not walking within and as the principle of that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to blame a being that has abdicated one's responsibility and has thus, missed a point and instead of walking breath by breath and correct that which required correction, I've felt pity for myself for having to clear up the mess that the other has made and I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to turn the point back to myself within the realization that when ever I'm pointing fingers towards another, there is a point within me that I've missed and thus, walk the proper self introspection to see what I have missed, correct and change.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to expect a being to walk one's responsibility effectively and when the being abdicated one's responsibility, I react in anger, frustration and irritation and within that, I've not placed myself in the other shoes to be able to see the dimensional shift that the being had have and thus, assist and support the being to face the point, correct oneself and change.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that when I'm reacting in anger, frustration and irritation when a being abdicate one's responsibility, I'm not standing as a pillar of support but in fact, trying to make myself more powerful through stepping on one's feet when pointing out the mistakes that one has done and within that, didn't realize that I'm compromising not only the being that has made a mistake but also myself through abdicating my own responsibility to walk breath by breath and stand as an example for others within the principle of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to compromise myself by not immediately directing each and every point that I see require a direction and thus, I accumulate anger, frustration and irritation towards a being until the energy must release itself and I burst out on the being, not realizing, seeing and understanding that in that moment of burst, I'm not the directive principle but walking in total separation from myself as the mind, giving all my power away to energy to control and enslave me and thus, miss a moment of breathe, abdicating my responsibility to ground the energy build up back to earth, set myself free and stand as absolute support for myself and others.

I commit myself to assist to assist and support beings in their process of stepping out of their mind by showing and revealing the points that were missed within standing in absolute clarity and stability and within that, giving unconditionally an opportunity for one to face oneself, correct one's application and change.

I commit myself to not take other beings abdication of responsibility personally and thus, place myself in their shoes, see where they are in their process and within that, see how to effectively approach the point and assist the being with their process of taking responsibility in walking breath by breath.

I commit myself to stop the judgement upon beings that abdicated their responsibilities and to always turn the point back to myself and see where and how I've abdicated my own responsibility within the realization that it is never about anyone but me and each reaction that I have towards another, reveal a point that I've not aligned, sorted out and corrected.
I commit myself to stop making myself more than and righteous when I see another making a mistake and abdicating one's responsibility because it is really ridiculous - who I am is not define by others and I do not require others to make a mistake to validate my self as righteous.

I commit myself to stop expecting anything from anyone and instead focus on my own process of stopping pattern by pattern; breath by breath.

I commit myself to stand as a pillar of support for those who have committed themselves to walk their process of stepping out of the mind and access to the equality and oneness physical reality.

I commit myself to direct each and every point I see require being directed effectively and to not accept and allow myself to accumulate energy that will inevitably have to be released.


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