May 29, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Elite's Delusion of Stress - Part 2 - Day 46

This is a continuation of 'The Elite's delusion of stress - Part 1 - Day 45' blog that I wrote yesterday.

In my previous blog, I was looking at my own point of becoming possessed with Stress and how I was the one who created the pattern as well as how I deceived myself within the belief that it takes a process to stop a pattern instead of realizing that the only valid process is a breath by breath process of stopping patterns one by one,  breath by breath.

Within this blog, I will look at the World system in relation to stress and show the relationship between stress and Money. I will refer to 2 types of stress. Mental Stress and Physical Stress.

Mental Stress -  An accumulation of energy within the thoughts/experience such as: "I don't have time", "I must get this on time", "if I won't be good at my job, I'll get fired", "OMG, my partner is going to end the relationship".

Physical Stress as a manifested consequence of a Mental Stress - In many cases of Mental stress, the accumulation of energy manifested stress on the human physical body which can cause discomfort, headache, heart failure and so one - this type of physical stress is the manifested consequences of a Mental stress.

Physical Stress - When the Human Physical Body doesn't get the requirement for an effective functioning, the body goes to stress and slowly but surely the body systems are weakening until eventually the systems can't function and thus being dies. That kind of physical stress is being experienced by 3.3 Bilion people in this world. 3.3 billion people who do not have food, water and physical support nutrition. 
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to delude myself within the belief that I'm stressed and I haven't consider that the stress is energy experience that I've accumulated through the participation with the thought/experience of not having enough time/being pressured at work/I'm getting old/various other types of thoughts/experiences and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to refused to see that a physical stress that is actual and real is being experienced day in and day out by the majority of this world whom are starving which than cause stress on the human physical body.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to delude myself within the belief that I'm stressed and I haven't consider that the stress is energy experience that I've accumulated through the participation with the thought/experience of not having enough time/being pressured at work/I'm getting old/various other types of thoughts/experiences and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to refused to see that a physical stress that is actual and real is being experienced day in and day out by the majority of this world whom are starving which then cause stress on the human physical body.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where mental stress is defined within the psychologists as normal behaviour and thus, when a Physical Stress as a manifested consequence of a Mental Stress emerge, is it managed within the starting point of treating the symptoms instead of the looking at the cause of the stress which is in most cases due to our dysfunctional world system.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that while we focus on managing the stress symptoms of Mental stress as well as Physical Stress as a manifested consequence of a Mental Stress, we have completely disregarded the Physical stress that 3.3 billion people in this world experiencing due to lack of nutrition, water and health care because all we cared about is our own survival in the world system and we have never stopped for a moment to look at the core/origin/source of the problem and addressed it with a practical solution such as Equal Money System

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed the discipline of phycology to define Mental Stress as a normal thing, within the justification and excuses that Stress is a factor that motivate humans to move themselves within the world system  and we haven't realized or considered Who one IS when stress is the directive principle and why is it that Self isn't the directive principle? why have we taken for granted that stress is normal? Is it possible to live without Stress? If not stress, what will motivate us to move ourselves? What is the cause of stress and can the cause be removed/changed? Is Stress is a disease that caused by the world money system? What is able to be done so that no one will ever experience stress again?

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to emphasize that the cause of the mental stress is due to one's external environment in separation of self and thus then, justified and blame one's environment instead of seeing and looking at the obvious - mental stress in most cases is in direct relationship with Money and thus, what is required to be done is to first change the world system to an Equal Life System where the fear of survival is no more and secondly, focus on re-education of the individuals from the perspective of teaching/showing/sharing tools to assist and support oneself to take responsibility for one's participation in one's mind/energy and thus, stop the energy generation and physically LIVE in every moment, breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I've haven't accepted and allowed myself to see that the cause of most of the Mental stress cased is in direct relationship with the Money System and instead of addressing the cause and changing the world system to a system that support all lives, We have addressed the affect of the world system through managing the stress that beings are experiencing.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the relationship between Money and Stress because if I would, I would do what ever is necessary to be done to sort out the cause of Mental stress as well as Physical Stress through changing the current money system to a system that support life.

I commit myself to push, direct and establish an Equal Money System in this world wherein one of the immediate affects will be the elimination of Stress - Mentally and Physically.

I commit myself to expose and show the discipline of the physiologists whom are busy with finding a quick fix to mental problems instead of addressing the real and actual cause of the problems which is in most cases in direct relationship with the current money system.

I commit myself to present a solution to a world where stress experience is no more within the establishment of an Equal Money System.

I commit myself to show that mental stress isn't normal and it is an experience that self is absolutely responsible for, through separating self from one external environment and I commit myself to show and explain in details how to assist and support oneself with deleting the energy accumulation of mental stress and support self to stand as the directive principle of oneself and one's world.

I commit myself to show and explain why stress isn't supportive and why it can't be utilize as a motivator for one's movement because the only thing that is valid is a breath by breath living application where self is the directive principle and not the external factors that moves/influences/control/enslaved oneself to one's own mind.

I commit myself to expose in detail the relationship between stress (Mental and Physical) and Money and to prove that the current Money system is the cause of most Stress cases and thus, within changing the cause of stress - changing the world system to a system that support lives, stress will not play a major rule in our lives.

I commit myself to be part of the development of a re-education programs to assist and support the humans to see and realize how, why and where we create mental stress and thus, present tools for a practical self change where stress is not a part of one's daily living application and one will become the directive principle of one's life without the influence and the control of the mind.


Een Complot-Theoreticus komt tot Leven said...

Thanks Maya - cool to see the relationship between stress and Money and the difference between mental and physical stress !

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