Apr 29, 2012 | By: A Woman

Who I am – Day 16

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to spite myself through holding on the desire of relationship even though I see and realize the consequences of such desire to exists within and as me because I haven’t yet made the ultimate decision of WHO I AM in every moment of every breath and thus, in every moment that I haven’t yet decided who I am, I’m literally spiting myself and compromising this world because I than, have no power as there is no Self-Trust.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to spite myself through going back to my mind even though I’ve seen the time line, my responsibility within it, the outflows and consequences because I haven’t yet accepted me as Life and there for, haven’t yet made the decision and walked myself back to myself as Life.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted myself as a desire for a relationship from the starting point of energy as the feeling that I’m waiting for because I haven’t respected myself enough to walk the decision of getting back to myself, as the entirety of myself, as Life that is here and within that to give up every desire and decision that I’ve made in a process of accumulation of self interest.

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to realize that to get myself back to myself here, it is a process of accumulation of living breath by breath and thus, I commit myself to walk myself to freedom, step by step, breath by breath. If I make a mistake, I face, correct and change, and I move myself within the breath as a living expression of myself as Life.

So – I Commit myself to walk myself back to myself as Life that is here. I commit myself to breathe and Live in every moment because practically, that is the only thing that can be done in every breathing moment.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to even consider WHO I AM and instead, I’ve accepted the limitation of myself as the mind to only a few personality designs that I’ve created as a protection mechanism to suppress my fears that I’ve accepted to be me.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the limitation that I’ve become through the accepted and allowed personalities creations which within doing so, I’ve separated myself from WHO I AM and suppressed my beingness to the extent of not realizing WHO I am in fact.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider the actual LIVING in and as the Physical reality because I was occupied in my mind, in my safe and protected reality which I’ve taken for granted as if it is life.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the world is a reflection of who I am within the actions and deeds that I do as equal to and one with the decisions that I make and the thoughts that I follow and thus, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT see the relationship between Who I really AM and this world system so that I won’t have to face my acceptance of me as EVIL that have accepted and allowed this world to manifest in its correct existence of abuse and suffering.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT consider that Who I am create what I do and if WHO I am isn’t Equal to and One as LIFE, who I am is in fact Evil. And thus, I forgive myself that I haven’t considered that What I Do is determine by Who I AM and thus, I commit myself to become LIFE and Do only that which Support LIFE.

I commit myself to get myself back to myself and to actually fully participate in the physical reality in every living moment as breath.

I commit myself to the decision of becoming LIFE and to do whatever it takes to get myself Here as LIFE and the outcome of my decision will be determine by What I Do as best for all Life . I commit myself to – when and as I see myself accessing my mind, to NOT accept and allow myself to participate and follow the pictures/thoughts/feelings/emotions, and to immediately delete the desire through the realization that WHO I am as LIFE isn’t defined by momentary desires but WHO I AM here is Breath as the living expression as me.


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