Nov 8, 2012 | By: A Woman

‘Leaving’ the Dream - Day 208

    a0abd8c11f756ab70a684a6a770bede3This is a continuation to:

    The Elite's delusion of stress - Part 1 - Day 45

    The Elite's Delusion of Stress - Part 2 - Day 46

    The Decision of TIME - Day 67


    Copy Paste Character - the Way for Success? - Day 183

    Copy Paste Character - The Education System - Day 184

    Is it possible to Cheat yourself? Day 185

    It is time to STOP Existing as a Human Machine - Day 186

    The End of Times - Day 187

    Facing the Evil within - the KEY to LIFE - Day 188

    Fear of Disappointing others - Day 189

    The Psychology of TIME - Day 190

    I Regret, therefor, I'm a Good Person. NOT!!! - Day 191

    The REAL Fear - Day 192

    The things we Won't tell ANYONE - Day 193

    Missing out on the Good Life - Day 194

    Let's have some Fun - Day 195

    Stupidity Loop - Jumping from the Bad to the Good to the Bad - Day 196

    The Smoke Screen of Ignorance - Day 197

    For the purpose of context, suggest reading these posts above prior to reading the post below, if you haven’t already. Here I will be walking the 'I don't have TIME' Character -Imagination Dimension - Practical support with Self Forgiveness and Self Commitments.



    Imagination Dimension:

    • I imagine the life of those who have money and can do what ever they want with their life - having a spa day, going out, enjoying themselves as I used to do myself a few years back.
    • I imagine people coming back from work, after a long day, and sitting on the coach with their partner, hanging out, watching a movie, laying back, with nothing really to do.




    • I imagine the life of those who have money and can do what ever they want with their life - having a spa day, going out, enjoying themselves as I used to do myself a few years back.


    I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have an experience towards my direct environment and within that, have associated/defined the Experience within a negative charge through comparing my environment to an environment that I've created in my mind, as an imagination within and as my mind, which I've associated and define within a positive charge. In this, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that Experience can only exists within and as Energy that I gave value to, either positive or Negative, while, not considering that when and as I accept and allow an experience to exists within me, I'm accepting and allowing myself to miss a breath, to miss a window of opportunity to assist and support myself to stand within and as my human physical body, Here and have the work done. In this, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by the very acceptance and allowance of imagination within and as my mind, when and as there is a task or work that needs to be done, I'm actually preparing the way before me, to create the manifested consequences of not having enough time to finish the task/work because I've wasted the physical time in imagining things in my mind which then, physically I cannot have the work done because I'm preoccupied with something else as for instance, participating in imagination with myself, in my mind. 


    I commit myself to assist and support myself in establishing self-movement as the directive principle in every moment of every breath and within that, assist and support myself to stop my participation in imagination as an experience I desire to have, as an experience that I've defined and associated within and as a positive energetic charge because I now see, realize and understand that when accepting and allowing myself to participate in imagination, I accept and allow myself to miss a window of opportunity for me to actually transform and change my living application to a physical, breath by breath living application wherein I'm effectively doing that which need to be done as I see, realize and understand my responsibility in having the thing done. Thus, when and as I see myself going into my mind, to the imagination domain, I stop, I breath and I remind myself that accepting and allow myself to miss a breath is simply not acceptable as I see why and how I've accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the physical through the acceptance and allowances of imagination participation and through directly seeing what I've missed in separation of myself (which is - missing myself Here), I bring myself back here, to and as the physical, breathing, clearing myself from any energy charge that may exists within and as me and moving myself, as the directive principle in walking that which required to be walked as what is best for all.


    I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realize that imagining the Life that I cannot have is simply impractical but instead, I can walk towards a life that is best for all where all our want/need/desire can be fulfilled equally if obviously, these desire/wants/needs do not harm and abuse anything or anyone else. Within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that to establish a world where everyone can fulfil their desires/wants/needs when and as these desires/wants/needs do not harm anything and anyone, I must give up my desires/wants/needs for this ONE life time as that is the time that I have in making sure and in walking the physical space/time path that would bring about an actual correction/change within and as this world because, unless everyone equally can fulfil their desires, the desire in itself is not valid as it is based on the principle of self interest instead of the principle of that which is best for all within and as: Give as you would like to receive, Do unto another as you would like to be done unto you

    And Investigate ALL things and keep that which is good for All.


    I commit myself to give up this Life from the perspective of giving up my self interest desires because I see, realize and understand that unless my desires are equally accessible for all, the desire in itself isn't valid. Within this, I commit myself to stop the imagination of the Life that I can not have but instead, make sure that everyone equally will get to a point of living the life that everyone should have - a life that is best for all where everyone could express and fulfil themselves as long as we do not harm anything or anyone else.


    I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to deliberately forget the inner experiences that I had when living the life of the 'haves' where I had the funds and means to spend my money in luxuries and indulgent and in the outside, put a smile and present myself as happy and free while in the inside, I felt misery and sadness which would not go away despite of the positive things that I've done externally.

    In that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to deliberately store the external experience that I've defined as positive and to store the inner experience that I had defined as negative as a program that would create my experiences for me, externally and internally, without seeing, realizing and understanding that both experiences are of the same coin and none can exists without the other side of the polarity exits. Thus, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that the purpose of the experiences, as energies is to keep me enslave to my own mind as my mind can only exists through energy which within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take myself further away from myself and this physical reality in every moment that I accept and allow these past experiences to exists within and as me, as stored memories that had accumulated to a program (a character) that activates when and as I'm perceiving and defining my experience within my environment as a negative.


    I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop giving power to my mind to exists through my participation within and as energy that keeps the mind 'alive' and in control over my entire existence. Within that, when and as I find myself busy with an assignment/task/work which I define as negative experience through comparing the experience to a positive experience that I desire to have, I stop, I breathe, and I remind myself why I am here and who I am here because unless I establish an equal and one relationship/agreement with myself, in walking breath by breath according to that which is best for all, I'm preparing the way before me to fall into the energy traps that I've created for myself as my mind, to keep me 'alive' as energy, not realizing that that Life isn't Energy, Life isn't an experience; Life is something I must realize as who I am, when and as I am Life which for that, I must walk the physical space/time path, in assisting and supporting me to step out of my mind and step into Life.


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