Nov 23, 2012 | By: A Woman

How little do we know about our Body - Day 223

This is a continuation to:


Stupidity Loop - Jumping from the Bad to the Good to the Bad - Day 196

The Smoke Screen of Ignorance - Day 197

Leaving in a Dream - Day 208

Having the Life Style you always dreamt to have - Day 209

IT is MY time Now - don't say a word - Day 210

Let's go on Vacation - Day 211

Comparison is a Bitch - Day 212

Damn, I will never have everything done - Day 213

Standing as an Example - Self Interest or Self Realization? - Day 214

From the Bossy to the Loser - Day 215

Jealousy and Frustration - I want the Life they Have - Day 216

The Poison within Irritation and Anger - Day 217

Judgement as self Perfection - Day 218

Impatience as Evilness - Day 219

Please feel Sorry for me - Day 220

Depression - Self Interest or a Real Physical Condition? - Day 221

Stress and Anxiety - Self Creation or Elite's Mind Control? - Day 222



26810560252837428_ji7ZL97e_bFor the purpose of context, suggest reading these posts above prior to reading the post below, if you haven’t already. Here I will be walking the 'I don't have TIME' Character - Behaviour Dimension - Practical support with Self Forgiveness and Self Commitments.


Behaviour Dimension:

* Shoulders downs

* Back carving in

* Head leans on the left hand

* Dragging the legs

* Rub my eyes


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to automate how I would Behave and how I would move myself as my human physical body, with no self awareness, when and as I've activated the 'I don't have Time' Character. In this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realize how and why I've automated my Behaviour body movement when and as I access the 'I don't have time' Character and within that, How I would accept and allow myself to sabotage my physical body through accepting and allowing myself to position my body in postures that do not support the physical body.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how I've taken for granted my physical body and completely sabotaged myself as the physical body through accepting and allowing myself to access a total mind possession, as the 'I don't have time character' wherein I would accept and allow my body to be positioned in postures that do not support the body in any way whatsoever.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to NOT see, realize and understand how in the moment of realizing that I will not get a task/work done wherein a moment before that, I've been stable within and as myself, I, in that moment, would change my body posture according to the Negative Experience that I've accepted and allowed within and as myself, in comparison to the Positive Experience that I've had within and as my mind and so, I my shoulders would go down and my back would crave in and I would lean my head on the left hand, in total desperation and self victimization that I've Perceived the Experience that I face to be. 


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to drag my legs when I'm walking while I'm in the 'I don't have time' character, so that within the way that I walk, I would be noticed by others, and they would either feel sorry for me, or offer to assist me and I have NOT seen how I would compromise and sabotage my human physical body for the sake of getting attention to validate the Character that I embodied within and as myself so that I could justify to myself why it's ok to 'Feel' what I feel, not seeing realizing and understanding the Design of the 'I don't have time' character that I've created within and as myself.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT realized that I deliberately rub my eyes when I'm possessed within the 'I don't have time' character that I've created within and as myself, to further justify for myself why it is ok to give up now and not push myself to finish the task/work that I've set forth to myself within the excuse that I'm apparently tired which manifest a physical consequences of dry eyes.


I commit myself to be aware and attentive to how I move and change my body behaviour in any given moment to assist and support myself in seeing what I've accepted and allowed within and as myself so that I could investigate the point for myself and accordingly walk the correction process, as myself.


I commit myself to - When and as I see myself going down the road of separation from and as my human physical body as I see that I'm changing the way that I move, speak, behave I then stop, Breathe, assessing within and as myself what's going on, what backchat, fear, reactions, imagination I've accepted and allowed within and as myself and accordingly, assist and support myself in bringing myself back here though physical self forgiveness and self corrective practical application.


Mike Lammers said...

Cool to read and thanks for some perspectives.

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