Jul 28, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Shyness Character - Self Commitments Statements - Day 106

This is a continuation to:

As well as:

This is a continuation to the Blog post:

I commit myself to SHOW that it is possible to understand and see how our children creates their characters that will become an automated expression of themselves as they grow older through firstly get to know ourselves as our characters that we have created for ourselves, walk through the character with the assistance and support that was shared in Earth's Journey to Life blog: Day 51: Moving through my characters and once we have seen how we have created our characters, we could stand as a support for our children and walk them through their own self change to rebirth themselves as LIFE as who they are.

I commit myself to SHOW that the Shyness Character is a defence mechanism for one to not face one's reality wherein one would utilize the past memory experience of feeling safe and guarded by the parents when one was clinging to one's parent's legs and thus, we associated the experience of safety and guarded with Shyness and accordingly, accessing ourselves as the mind, when we feel threatened by our environment.

I commit myself to SHOW that it is our responsibility as parents and future parents to stand in absolute stability, self honesty and self trust in every moment of every breath so that our application, of who we are as LIFE that is best for all, will set the example for those who would come after us; to give them a chance to be and become an effective human being in this world; give them a chance to express themselves as who they are without multiple characters that would dictate them who and what they should be to survive in this world.

I commit myself to SHOW how we imprint memories and integrate them into our flesh and accordingly, we live as a memory, not fully aware of ourselves and existence as a while and thus, so long as we live and exists within and as a memory, we are not LIFE in fact, we are not our directive principle as LIFE that is best for all and thus, I commit myself to assist and support myself to delete the multiple characters that I've created through memories integration, and to stand as a support for others, through my writings, so that eventually, we could all step out of our characters, and stand up as LIFE, create our LIFE within and as principle that is best for all.

I commit MYSELF to stop following the Shyness Character that I have created and become and accordingly, when and as I see myself accessing the Character, I slow myself down, Breathe, move through the backchats, emotions and feelings, move through the physical resistance and give myself the permission to simply be HERE, express myself as who I am and to no longer accept and allow myself to diminish myself through utilizing the Shyness Character that would bind me to a stupidity loop of self limitation, self sabotage and self compromization.

I commit MYSELF to STOP and STOP and STOP comparing myself to everything that exists because I now see, realize and understand that unless I compare, my character won't have energy to exists. I see, realize and understand now how I've trapped myself into and as multiple characters through comparing and competing with others as I've not gave myself to permission to TRUST who I am in every moment of every breath; I've NOT gave myself the permission to expand, grow and empower myself from the example of others because I was busy comparing myself to them.

I commit myself to INVESTIGATE and IDENTIFY the Inferiority Character that I've become through a process of writing, Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements.

I commit myself to PUSH myself from my mind and into the physical and to REBIRTH myself as the Physical, as who I am, as LIFE that is here in every breath.

I commit myself to INVESTIGATE and IDENTIFY the Blaming Character that I've created and become through a process of writing, Self Forgiveness and Self Commitment Statements.

I commit myself to a Process of Discovering myself as EXPRESSION of Life as who I am through Identifying the multiple characters that I've created to trap myself inside my mind, inside my human physical body through investing the time in myself, by committing myself to writing, until I'm clear of characters/personalities, until I'm HERE, as Life that is best for all.


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