Sep 21, 2012 | By: A Woman

Walking Breath by Breath - Part 1 - Day 160

I'm taking a momentarily break from the blog series that I've started walking regarding love, sex and Sexuality because today, I woke up with a knife stuck in my back (Metaphorically) and since the pain is here, the point is here, I might as well look at it and walk the practical correction.


The point is my Desire for a Magical solution, a desire that is based on the idea/belief/perception that once we step out of the mind, we access this godly domain and we could see behind the physical.

When looking at this belief, firstly I experience resistance which indicate that I'm right at the POINT and I must now look, in self honesty, what the hell I'm creating inside my mind and through this hell, I bound myself in my own prison - never getting in fact out.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to place trust in Knowledge and information instead of walking breath by breath in self trust, testing each and every point for myself and as myself and making decisions according to that which is best for all through letting go of my self interest desires for experiences and Stand Absolute, here, Breathe - always checking, assessing, re-evaluating, changing the starting point, aligning - in breath by breath.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that when one is stepping out of one's mind, one transform and hold Godly powers where one could see more than meets the eyes and can thus, no longer require for example, seeing a doctor, as one is able to move the physical at will. Within this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to desire having these Godly powers which indicate that I haven't yet walked my process from within the starting point of realizing what is best for all but rather walked my process, to be and have Godly powers, as a Desire that is based on my own self interest wish, for attaining and having a specific experience during my life time. In this, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how through accepting and allowing a desire to have godly powers once I transcend my mind, I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my death, as I've believed that I must achieve this Godly powers before I die, before it will be too late. 


I forgive myself  that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to simply live and be, Breath by Breath and instead, I consistently and continuously desired for MORE; more than what is here, more than what is possible to be here.  Within this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to seek for this 'more' through Knowledge and information without realizing that everything is already here; from that perspective, the same as the Nature and The animal kingdom exists and functions according to physical and practical knowledge and information that through that physical and practical knowledge and information, they support their existence to the utmost potential it can be, I do not require for MORE knowledge and information as Mind Energy Knowledge and information to exists and justify my existence but rather, educate and skilled myself within and as practical and physical information that I could apply as myself and accordingly, would support myself and this existence within and as that which is best for all as a principle.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to be controlled and enslaved to myself through my own desires for MORE and through this desires, I trapped myself in my mind, not considering to ever stop, breath, and walk in self integrity, breath by breath, step by step, getting to know who I am as LIFE that is HERE, in simplicity, in humbleness and respect for myself and existence as a whole, Equal and One.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed through the desire for more, to keep myself occupied in my mind, trying to make sense from that which doesn't make sense, forming ideas, assumptions, perceptions as if it is the ultimate truth, without testing the point for myself, see what comes up, see who I am within that moment, see if I can alter and change the outcome into that which is best for all; see if I can change the starting point to align with that which is best for all, challenge myself and my existence, go behind my beliefs about myself and keep on testing and seeing who I am, how did I create myself and whether there is more than how I have limited myself to be and become; more from the perspective of more than what I constricted myself into and as through believes, opinions, judgement, desires etc.



I commit myself to assist and support myself in returning and aligning myself back to myself, and in that, to stop thoughts, feelings, emotions, reactions, possessions as I push myself to remain in breath, within and as self trust because I see, realize and understand that placing my trust in knowledge and information is to accept and allow my own imprisonment to the knowledge and information of those who have come before me, instead, stepping out of the box that I've defined myself to be, check, test, assess and re-evaluate each and every point for myself as that is the only thing that I can trust - when and as it is me, who have realized a point for myself, me, that is walking breath by breath, me that have proven to myself that I stand and within that trust, I change, alter and align myself to the principle that is best for all.


I commit myself to STOP looking at things from the Old system point of view and in that - placing judgement towards that which I do not understand - either positive or negative. In that, I see, realize and understand that there is nothing Godly in stopping one's mind as we are still bound to the physical space/time laws which means, that stopping the mind will not give one's Godly properties/powers but rather, stopping the Mind and becoming Equal and One to and as the physical would allow one to consider everything and everyone in any given moment, in each and every breath, wherein one would direct and move oneself towards only that which is best for all, as one is no longer bound to the self interests/fears that one had created oneself through and as the mind. in that, one isn't special, it is just what it is. a living physical human beings that walking breath by breath according to that which is best for all.


I commit myself to always Assess and evaluate my starting point in every breath, to make sure that I'm always aligned with that which is best for all. I see, realize and understand that properties that I've assigned/attached/defined/associated with one that had step out of the mind and through that definition, I've created the desire within and as me, to have these properties for myself and in that, making this process about me instead of a principle - that which is best for all. I commit myself to father investigate the Fear of Death as I see that accepting and allowing Fear of Death to control and influence my decision is not what is best for all but only that which is best for my own self interest which is no longer acceptable.

I commit myself to Delete all Knowledge and information that is of the mind, as Memories and past experiences that I've utilize to consistently looking for more and rather, focus on physical and practical knowledge and information that I could practical apply to sustain, maintain and create a world that is best for all, breath by breath.


I commit myself to STOP my desires for MORE than what is here and in that, when and as I see myself drifting off to my mind, fantasize, imagining and calculating how to manipulate the situation to my own benefit, I STOP, I breathe, I make sure that I'm HERE, assessing, testing and checking who I am in that very moment and accordingly align and change myself, in one Breath at a time.



To be continued...


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