This is a continuation to my blog:

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe and perceive that I must become important, that I must be defined by others as important because otherwise, I have defined myself as having no value, being unworthy in comparison to others, not realizing that I cannot be more than who I am. Within that, I haven't realized that from the beginning, the desire to be more was the point where we have accepted and allowed ourselves to manifest ourselves as less than who we are as LIFE which led to the consequences of us separating ourselves from Life as Who we are. For Context, please read: The First Creation of Character - day 79.
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my responsibility of redefining each and every word and to thus, create myself as the living word within and as the principle of Oneness and Equality because I haven't realized, seen and understood how through attaching/defining/connecting values to words, in separation of myself, I create myself as a character, Equal and One as the impure words and unless I walk the LIVING word within and as the principle of ONENESS and EQUALITY, I will keep on creating myself as characters as words. Thus, the process of redefining words, to purify the words is Important: downloading the Living word as LIFE into the existing programming of us as character, so that we could step out of character and stand up together, as the living word and create LIFE, practically and physically; Life that is best for all.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how through ONE impure word, I've accepted and allowed myself to create a network of characters which best suit me in that moment and thus, I moved myself from the Comparison Character to the Jealousy Character to the Spiteful Character and etc, without realizing the infinite cycle of stupidity as what I have accepted and allowed myself to live within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand our EQUAL importance because we have all existed within and as the desire to be MORE than each other and have thus, abdicated our responsibility to in fact, walk our responsibility to download the program of LIFE to the current/existence program so that from this moment onwards, all will have the possibility to realize ourselves as LIFE, stand up as LIFE, and together as LIFE, create LIFE that is best for all.
I commit myself to redefine each and every word until me as the living word is Purified within and as the principle of oneness and equality as I stand for eternity, as the living word, equal to and one as who I am, as LIFE that is best for all.
I commit myself to - when and as I see a movement within and as myself, as the creation of another dimension as character that will suit me best in any given moment, I stop, I breathe and I touch my human physical body to make sure that I'm physically here.
I then allow myself to bring the character here, within and as myself and look at the nature of the character, how I've separated myself through creating a net work of characters within that character, what I'm defending, what memories and pictures are associated with the character and as I physically apply Self Forgiveness as the realization of how and why I've created myself as a character, I move myself out of the character and remaining Here.
I commit myself to remind ourselves our importance within and as our current living physical expression wherein each one of us will have a role within and as the creation of a new world that is best for all through
downloading the program of LIFE to the current/existence program so that from this moment onwards, all will have the possibility to realize ourselves as LIFE, stand up as LIFE, and together as Life, create LIFE and so, 1 by 1 we will remember who we are as LIFE, remind each other that we are LIFE, support each other to step out of the characters that diminish LIFE, until it is done.
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