Here we can clearly see the polarity design within and as self, consisting of and existing as characters which are in friction which is also just another character.
So what is Importance as the living expression of the word?
Let's walk the redefining word procedure as was explained in much details in Earth's Journey to Life:
Phase 1: Self allocation:
As I've written above, Importance within and as myself, thus far, was always defined by external validation by others and when it was coming down to self importance, I couldn't accepted myself as importance as I've made sure worthlessness character will always remind me that I'm not important.
What is fascinating about the design is that I would go into a jealousy character towards those who I define as importance, when and as a picture or a memory in a form of picture would pop up in my mind and then, I will go an diminish myself as justification and excuses of why I cannot stand in equal and one position as they are, and become important, not seeing, realizing and understanding how I've separated myself from those beings as I've realized that they are in fact me.
The jealousy going into the extreme when and as the people that I perceive as important are in my close environment, are part of my immediate environment. What I will do then is - instead of seeing, realizing and understanding that I equal and one as everything that is here, I go into spitefulness, trying to diminish them within and as my mind, not realizing that the character that I'm dealing with is in fact - a desire for importance character, a desire for gratification, glorification, validation that only others can give me, in separation of me as all that is here.
1. the quality or state of being important; consequence; significance.
2. important position or standing; personal or social consequence.
3. consequential air or manner: an air of bustling importance.
4. Obsolete . an important matter.
5. Obsolete . importunity.
6. Obsolete . import or meaning.
We can clearly see that society has define the word 'Importance' within and as a positive energetic charge wherein a Value is being attached/connected/defined within and the word. Obviously, the definitions above cannot stand within and as an expression of and as LIFE as it is only lived as energetic experience that one hold on to, do defined oneself within and as oneself as the importance character.
Phase 3: Sounding
Import-hence -> import from this moment onward.
What I found fascinating within the sounding 'Import-Hence' was the Living expression of the word that Stand within and as principle of Oneness and Equality as follows:
Phase 4: Creative Writing:
I understand that the word importance is the value that I had given the moment in order to make it important to myself. And when I look at self honesty within and as myself I am able to give things value from a self interest starting point or I can give something a value of life / of what is here in the breath.
If I then give the word ‘important’ a value that is embedded within life I have made a decision to see only that which brings forth life as important within and as myself. Thus to redefine the word ‘importance’ I will look at: Downloading the program of LIFE to the current/existence program so that from this moment onwards, all will have the possibility to realize ourselves as LIFE, stand up as LIFE, and together, create LIFE.
Phase 5: Redefining the word Importance:
From hence forth I import within and as myself as well as myself as another the value of life of what is here.
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