Jun 4, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Secret War between Women - Overview - Day 52

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where Women, instead of standing together in alignment and nurturing the world with care, support, warmth, tenderness and gentleness, We fight amongst and between each others within the attempt to feel better within ourselves due to the inherited belief that we are weak and powerless.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider the influences that the 7 generations that have come before us have on our very beingness and within that, we came to terms and have taken for granted our inherited weakness as women and thus, experience the need to compete for our survival within the manly world system, either with males or Females

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where women must prove themselves as worthy in the manly world system and thus, feel that they must compete for their spot with other women and we haven't considered that thus far, the manly world system didn't stand the test of time in bringing about a world that is best for all and instead of trying to fit in to a world of abuse, we could have stand up as our womanly nature of warmth, care, support, tenderness and gentleness and implement such a system within equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to embrace my womanly nature of care, support and tenderness and externalized those components within the world system through and as a principle of Equality and Oneness and instead attempted to fight for my place in this world and within doing do, abolished Who I am as the female beingness of care, support and tenderness and became a submissive being within the manly world system in total separation of myself and existence as a whole.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where jealousy, competition, judgment and comparison between women has become the norm from a very young age due to parents supporting those components within the desire of having the most perfect girl who will marry the best man and her financial future will be safe and sound and within that, the parents do not realize the consequences of programming the girl to fight for her survival in this world system wherein, the girl will see any woman as a threat of not having the LIFE her parents always wished she would have.

I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to see the specific relationship of Money and war between women wherein jealousy, competition, judgement and comparison are due to the woman's desire of having the best - best clothes, best male, best job, best makeup etc. which is a derivative of how much Money a woman has access to.

I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to see the specific relationship between consumerism and the war between women and how the Media use Marketing psychologists/public relations to prompt the woman with the components of Jealousy, comparison and etc. towards other women and within that, drive the women to consume products/services that they do not need through manipulating them and making them believe that if they buy the products/services the will win in the secret competition between women.

I commit myself to look at and investigate the relationships between the world system, education and money and the secret war between women and bring it all in writing, to assist and support us women, in standing up an as our beingness and direct this world to a world that is physically best for all.

I commit myself to dissect each and every component that is part the design of ' the secret war between women' and correct through Self Forgiveness within my living application.

I commit myself to expose, show and reveal the relationship between money, consumerism and the secret war between women.

I commit myself to walk my own time line, from childhood till now, in details and specificity and see all the systems and networks that are part of the secret war between women design.

Suggested vlogs to watch -


Katie Conklin said...

Awesome SF Maya, I was just looking at this point the other day - how the war between women fuels the consumer system - in that women always need to keep buying more products in order to make themselves feel better than other women. Thanks for sharing this.

Anna Brix Thomsen said...

Awesome blog Maya HUG from Woman to Woman HERE!

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