Jun 25, 2012 | By: A Woman

Charity Exposed - Day 73

For Context -

Please listen to the interview:

And read:
Day 39: Is Charity Greed? - Creation Journey to Life

sin-cabeza_thumbI forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that Charity isn't the solution that will bring about a world that is best for all because for Charity to exists, poverty must exists, diseases must exists, disabled people must exists etc. within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the polarity that is playing out within the Charity concepts wherein for Charity to exists - Poverty and Wealth must exists as a polarity design that perpetuate the inequality of this world.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to question the Charity funds process wherein the resources, food, labour that goes into it, the fuel, airplane, medical practitioners - all of that comes from many other sectors in the world system that the Elite families own and thus, the fact of the matter is that when the Elite families are giving money to charity, they are double and triple their profit in the process because within that, money is being circulated within the world money system without any actual regard or care of the people that are starving because in essence, the more people have nothing, the more the elite have for themselves.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that when the charity ourses are being distributed from different sectors around the globe, the Money system is making money of the existence of charity because all that was gathered for charity is mostly own be specific elite families funds, which is connected to various corporation, industries, companies, countries etc which in essence, the Charity industry, is another way for the elite family to make more money.

I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that Charity is part of the Money System and is dependent on the world system of poverty and wealth which within that, an actual solution to the global situation of poverty, starvation and famine is in no concern of the world system because if it was, we would change the entire world system into a manifestation that will make sure that all the resources will distributed equally and will reach all parts of the world and yet, the current concern of the world/Money system is to make more and more money.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that Charity isn't and won't change the world for the better because it can only touch beings life for a moment and then it's gone; If charity was really beneficial in this world, it would have already made a change. Within that, I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to acknowledge that charity is just another part of the world money system and its existence is dependent on poverty, famine and war as the foundation of the world economic system and thus, in essence, Charity is another profit opportunity for the Elite families of this world to make more money.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that my expectation that charity and fund raising can actually make a change in this world is naïve and irresponsible because within that, I haven't consider the actual, practical and physical requirement of the resources, to assist and support the third world countries to stand up on their feet and within that, I have not consider what it actually take to walk with a country and reconstruct/rebuild the country until it's done and the dependency is no longer determine whether or not one will live or die.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to SEE, REALIZE and Finally UNDERSTAND that the earth's resources should have never been allowed to be privatized and own by only a few and that within a system of Equality, all the resources are equally distributed as a basic human living right.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that charity is used by the dishonest EGO to feel better about the many daily dishonesties that are required from each human to function and be part of a failed system. Bernard Poolman

I commit myself to bring an end to poverty and to stop the dependent relationship between Money and the earth resources within the establishment of Equality system that will equally distributed all resources to all parts of the world.

I commit myself to expose the Charity Process and to prove that the starting point of charity is in no way to actually support all Equally but to in fact, double and triple the profit of those who owns the world system's industries, banks, corporations etc.

I commit myself to end Charities as it is clearly demonstrated to have no beneficial effect within the world system and within that, I stand for a world that is best for all and thus, commit myself to an active part of the establishment of Equal Money System that will bring LIFE that are worthy Equally to All.

I commit myself to show and expose the relationship between the existence of Charity and Poverty and to show - that when Charity exists, Poverty exists. When Equality exists, charity will no longer exists.

I commit myself to show that those who funds and maintain the entire charity industries, could have used their power and resources to bring about a world that is in fact best for all which than within that, the fact that they didn't, question their integrity and good will.


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