May 7, 2012 | By: A Woman

Inversion of purpose – Day 24

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see our inversion of purpose wherein instead of us all coming and standing together in Oneness and Equality, we have separated ourselves to individualized purposes to fulfil our desires, wants and needs without considering where the resources are coming from and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that through our fight for our individual purpose of survival, we’ve used and abused the resources that are available on Earth without taking into consideration that if we would have walked in Oneness and Equality, we would have make sure that the resources will be available to everyone on Earth and we wouldn’t have allowed a world where more than half of the beings do not have access to the resources and thus are dying from starvation, dehydration, and diseases.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realized that we have become locked and limited to our individual purposes of survival and within doing so, compete for the resources that are available on earth without any consideration of the abuse not only of the resources but also towards those who do not have access to the resources because a select few has taken control over the physical resources and have put a tag price on is as if it is belong to them as well as being defined and valued by Money, despite of the fact that the physical resources are of Earth and as such, should have been unconditionally shared with all that is here, in harmony and equality.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that we are all walking and directing ourselves according to our purposes of survival and within that, accept and allow competition, greed, war, crime, and corruption to manifest and exists in this world and we have Failed to realized Oneness and Equality and thus, separated ourselves from LIFE as ourselves and become individualized beings that see to fulfil their purposes of survival despite of the fact that there isn’t enough for all the fulfil their purpose of survival due to Life being defined according to Money and thus, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider Equality and Oneness and therefore, utilizing what is available on Earth within the starting point of What is best for all by making sure that we stop the abuse of the resources and distribute it equally to all.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that LIFE isn’t define by fulfilling one’s purpose to survive as it is a very very limited and separated version of LIFE and yet, I’ve taken my purpose for granted because it was what I’ve been taught at home/religion/culture/environment  without questioning and challenge the belief of fulfilling my purpose of survival while the majority of this world is far from reaching any form of LIFE as their birth is followed by death from starvation, malnutrition, dehydration and diseases even though the physical resources in this world is enough for everyone to have a dignified LIFE but due to Money, power and control, only a select few can fulfil their purpose of survival in ease while the rest of us are in constant fight and chase for Money to sustain are Lives that should have been, from the Get-Go, a life that is best for all if we’ve realized and understood Equality and Oneness as ourselves, as Life, as WHO we are.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have blind myself from the obvious – our human physical body that is standing as an example of Oneness and Equality wherein all the cells in the body are working together in Equality and Oneness, without any separation and hierarchy as all the cells in the body are functioning together and assisting and supporting each other to sustain the human physical body in its upmost potential.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world that is accumulation of individualized separated beings who only seek for one’s purpose of survival and because we’ve failed to see and realized Equality and Oneness We have allowed from this very separation, to create a world that survival is defined by Money and the resources has been taken over by a select few who has Money and thus, what was supposed to be a world that is best for all with equalized resources distribution, has become a world of corruption, abuse, crime, war and conflicts where the majority of the beings in this world has no chance to survive due to not having access to the physical resources that are HERE.

 I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to failed to see that if we would all worked together as Equals, we would have made sure that all the resources will be utilized equally but because we are extensively separated from ourselves and each other, we have accepted, allowed and thus created a world that is abusive in nature, as a direct reflection of ourselves and thus, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to face, realize, correct and change my very abusive nature that is directly responsible for how this world exists today because I’ve taken for granted the world system and did nothing to practically chance myself as the creator of myself and this world and therefore, walk within a self trust decision of WHO I am as LIFE in every moment of every breath and to lead by example a world that is Best for ALL.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that when we take and take and take to fulfil our individual purpose of survival we are within that, making a statement that we do not care or consider everyone equally in this world as the physical evidence clearly shows that the majority of this world has no access to the available resources on EARTH because of our abusive nature of taking and not giving, instead of walking according to the Jesus message of Give as you’d Like to Receive and within that, making an agreement with ourselves and each other to do what ever it takes to bring about a world that is best for all in all way possible so that EVERY ONE will have free access to the resources available on EARTH.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the competitive nature of human beings of TAKING without GIVING to fulfil one’s purpose of Survival and within that competitive nature, we disregard and inconsiderate all as Equals by accepting and allowing a world where only a select few have access to the resources that are available on EARTH instead of walking the principle of Give as You’d Like to Receive and within that, making sure that ALL have equal access to the resources that are available on Earth.

I commit myself to expose the inequality in this world and stand up and implement a solution that will make LIFE enjoyable to all human beings and within that, to invert the purpose of survival to purpose of LIFE as all as ONE as Equals where we walk together in agreement to support everything and everyone that is here within the principle of what is best for all.

I commit myself to make sure that all the resources that are available on EARTH will be equally distributed and physical equality and Oneness will stand in fact.

I commit myself to a process of re-education from an individualized divided beings that seek for our own survival, to humanity that the directive principle IS LIFE as WHO we are and thus, we will ALL work together within agreement to support everyone Equally and establish a world that is best for all in all ways possible and will never again accept anything that is less than LIFE as Who we are.

I commit myself to change my abusive nature of taking without giving to walk in every moment according to the principle ‘Give as you’d like to Receive’ as a direct reflection as what I would like this world to be and become and within that, I commit myself to assist and support all beings to change their abusive nature so that we can all correct our abusive living application to human beings that lives in harmony and equality as What is Best for all lives because we see and realize that what is best for all IS also best for me.

I commit myself to invert myself back to LIFE and realize that my purpose is LIFE that is best for all and thus, I commit myself to do whatever it takes and as long as it takes to face, correct and change myself – to bring myself back to myself as LIFE as Who I am.


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