May 28, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Elite's delusion of stress - Part 1 - Day 45

Art by Joe Kou
I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to become possessed with the thought/experience of not having enough time during my days and within that, felt sorry for myself and thus, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to miss a breath, to miss myself as the breath by breath living application within the realization that spending time on the thoughts : "I don't have time" will not assist me with having more time but vice versa - keep me occupied in my mind in absolute self destruction unless I make the decision to STOP in absolute commitment. 

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to direct and move myself in self interest and thus, when the moment comes and I have more responsibility to walk with, I become possessed with the experience of feeling sorry for myself instead of simply walking the decision to move and direct myself breath by breath by breath according to that which is best for all without giving my mind the permission to influence and essentially control me in an energetic experience that manifest pain and nausea within my human physical body.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed the energetic possession that I've become to abuse, compromise and sabotage my human physical body through pain and discomfort because I haven't walked the absolute decision to live breath by breath without the giving my power away to my mind and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider that the allowance of energetic possession will manifest consequences to my human physical body and within that, I forgive myself that I have not respected myself as my human physical body to walk breath by breath and immediately direct everything that I face with absolute movement of myself as Who I am and to stop once and for all the energetic participation, stop the enslavement of my mind, stop creating consequences and simply STAND in absolute commitment to myself, to Life, to ALL. 

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to walk the decision of breath by breath living application and thus, allowed myself to participate with thoughts that accumulated energy enough to manifest consequences of pain and discomfort and thus, I forgive myself that I've not accepted and allowed myself to walk in absolute presence  and awareness to assist and support myself and my human physical body within Stopping all energy participation and simply walk breath by breath.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to experience stress even though I've already realized that stress can only emerge when I'm not breathing effectively and thus, what I'm seeing within it is that I've not completely and absolutely gave myself the permission to change and become the directive principle within a breath by breath application and thus, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not realize that defining the process of stopping the energy participation is indication of deception because if I would to make the decision to stop, I would stop and it wouldn’t be a process of stopping but would be immediate correction because the only process that is valid is the breath by breath stopping my abusive life as the mind, stopping pattern by pattern as this is the only point where I am present, aware, Here.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the only process that is valid is a process of stopping patterns, breath by breath and if I require a process to stop a pattern, it indicate that I've not absolutely took the responsibility to become the directive principle because absolute decision means ABSOLUTE responsibility, absolute directiveness, absolute hereness. 
Art by Damian Ledesma

I commit myself to stop the thoughts: "I don't have time" because that is a waste of time lol. Rather, bring myself back here, walk breath by breath.

I commit myself to stop the experience of self pity because I realize that self pity can only exists within the starting point of self interest and becoming possessed with feeling sorry for myself for not having enough time, won't assist me with having the work done and I rather commit myself to walk breath by breath, with patient, comfortability and in ease.

I commit myself to consider and respect me as my human physical body and to stop creating unnecessary consequences as pain and discomfort through the allowance of energetic possession. 

I commit myself to stop the energy participation and become the directive principle as I move myself and let it go absolutely  and use my body as a cross reference for my application.

I commit myself to stop the manifestation of stress and the accumulation of thoughts in the nature of stress because I realize that stress can only exists if I allow myself to follow my mind, as thoughts instead of walking breath by breath.

I commit myself to stop pattern by pattern in breath by breath and once I've seen a pattern that I've allowed myself to participate with, to immediately apply self forgiveness and walk the corrective action of stopping absolutely.


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