May 16, 2013 | By: A Woman

Study finds children would not think of overweight person as a potential friend - Day 369

This in another blog within the blog series where I investigate the question: Who is Responsible for our Children's Education?.


In todays Daily Mail article - How we start being 'fattist' at four: Study finds children would not think of overweight person as a potential friend  one can find absolutely fascinating study that clearly show that the parents and our society as a whole are simply ineffective trainers for the children in this world. The study shows how ineffective parenting leads to prejudice behaviour of a child already at age 4 and all of that is happening through the example of the parents, their opinions and beliefs (Value system) and/or the TV/Media influences that without parental input, one simply do not know what the child would accept as their value system and whether the value stands in alignment to what is best for the child and humanity as a whole:


Here some pointers from the article:


"..A study of 126 boys and girls who had just started school showed they were loath to think of an overweight story book character as a potential friend…


…The Leeds University researchers said it seems that even very young children have picked up on the prejudice against fat people that pervades society…


...Only one of the 43 children read the fat Alfie version of the book chose him as a potential pal..


...The results of the study, the first to show that children of such a young age stigmatise those who are fat, were presented at European Congress on Obesity in Liverpool...


...He said that with parents of obese children saying their youngsters are already socially isolated at the age of five, such views could underpin weight-related bullying and victimisation...


...The professor said that he believes the youngsters are picking up on a prejudice towards obesity that is all around them, from the opinions of their parents to TV shows which ‘ridicule’ the fat...


...He added: ‘I think we have an underlying social commentary about weight and morals and that the morality of people is based on their shape...


...‘I think that is very powerful and kids are sensitive to it.’...


...Professor John Wilding, of the UK Association for the study of Obesity, said: ‘I think it matters because we know that the social stigma associated with weight problems is quite significant...


...‘It is reflected in reduced employment opportunities and all sorts of other aspects of life...


...‘If these stereotypes are starting in childhood, it is going to be very hard to reverse them...


...‘I guess we need to think about how to change that in society.’"


It is fascinating that the conclusion is:  "I guess we need to think about how to change that in society" instead of a definite statement indicting: "Till here no further - we must change ourselves by investigating our value system so that we can stand up, correct ourselves and change our contaminated behaviour and thus, stand as an example for our children of what does it really mean to live in integrity and respect towards oneself and each other.

The even bigger problem is that no one wants to admit that we, as parents, are brainwashing our children to be the image and likeness of ourselves. I mean, let's do the math - can you honestly state that throughout your day, you have no Thoughts, Reactions and Emotions towards others? Was there a day in your life that you didn't judge, spite or gossiped about another human being? (and here, it does not matter if it was verbally or only in your mind) Is there absolute respect towards ALL human beings in this world within yourself to the extent that every decision that you make is what best for all?

IF you are honest about these questions, it would be fair enough to assume that as of yet, you are not standing as an absolute and perfect example for your children and all of these inner conflicts that you have within yourself, you are passing to your children and they will pass it through to their children. (The sin of the fathers)


We train the kids to either become obese by telling them they must finish everything from their plate (please read Finish Everything on your Plate! - Day 355) and we train the children to not like fat people.


In the article it was mentioned that obese people are having hard time to find a job and now that we understand that prejudice behaviour starts already in early childhood, there is no wonder since once one that is obese is being interviewed for a job, the interviewer has most likely prejudice opinions about the shape of the interviewee body and as we all know, the judgement and opinions that we form about another is happening in the first 10 Seconds or less. By all means, the quality, integrity and experience of the interviewee is not coming to play when the 'wrong' judgement is being placed upon the interviewee by the brainwashed interviewer.


In essence, the article emphasize the consequences of incorrect use of the Natural Learning Ability. When the child learns bad habits such as being prejudice already at age 4, it implies that the parents didn't make sure that the information that the child stored within oneself contains the actual and real meaning of the word/vocabulary/expression. If we teach our children that it is valid to be prejudice from a early age, how can we not see that instead of evolving we are devolving and how can we not see it was always our responsibility and our direct participation in how and who we have become? How can we not see that we pass our sins to our children?


What is important to understand form this article is that the problem is much more severe than being prejudice at age 4 - the problem is that we have no awareness as to what we teach our children, we have no awareness as to what our children are picking up from our expression, behaviour and words.

We have never actually investigated our opinions, beliefs, ideas, perceptions that we have created as our value system upon which we live as and the even bigger problem here is that we pass it generation after generation without seeing, realizing and understanding that we pass on invalid value systems through which we created our world and thus, it is no wonder that there is so much hate, suffering and abuse in this world because we have never made sure that our children would become the best that they can be as we have limited them to what and who we are and let's face it - who we are isn't the best for all example as of yet.


So it is time to takes things into our hands and start investigating our belief system before it is too late; we must stop the cycle of ineffective production of human beings and instead, become the being that we can be, a being that moves, direct and walk according to that which is best for all. Only then we can ensure that what we show, teach and educate our children would bring the results of a world where we can trust each other, support and cared for each other, a world where we respect ourselves and each other - a world that is best for all living beings. It is up to us, it always has been so would we wait till we reach to a point of no return or would we take responsibility and correct ourselves and change?


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