Jun 18, 2012 | By: A Woman

When someone is blaming me - Day 66

228501_112534888831873_100002260870618_119512_2419145_nI forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to emotionally reacted when and as I perceived that someone is blaming me or pointing fingers towards me, and immediately I accessed a defense mode where my entire body is constructed and stressed, my voice tonality became lower and the sentences that I spoke became short and ineffectively communicated.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see my backchat when and as I perceive another's ways of communicating a point to be in the nature of Blame, wherein I would start defending myself in my mind, try to solve the point with my mind and also blame the other for that which I perceived myself to be blamed for, not seeing, realizing and understanding that I'm playing a blame game in my mind, either directly or indirectly whereas, I'm abdicating my responsibility to stand up from the emotional energy movement that I'm experiencing, BEATHE, ground the energy back to earth and look at the point that was communicate with me, assess in self HONESTY whether it is a point that I require to investigate, correct myself and change or whether I'm clear and able to assist and support the other to turn the point back to self instead of projecting the self blame onto others. 

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react in self judgement when and as I perceive that someone is blaming me for a point, either directly or indirectly and I haven't allowed myself to let the energy movement go through grounding it back to earth, stand up and investigate within and as myself whether there is a point within me that I've missed and thus, require to correct in writing self forgiveness in self honesty and walk the practical physical correction, breath by breath. Within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to actually face the point and direct myself accordingly through using and abusing the other in my mind, to defend, justify and validate myself, as a protection/defence mechanism, within the attempt to defend me as the EGO without having to practically face and change who I have accepted and allowed myself to be a become as a dishonesty personality design that I've programmed myself as.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to miss a breath when and as I perceive someone to blame me and automatically access a mind personality as the experience of myself as inferior without giving me the permission to stand up, breathe, stop the energy, delete the personality and assess in self honesty the point that was communicate to and with me.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to interpret what was communicated with me within a polarity of 'right/wrong' and have thus, defined myself as being 'wrong' when and as I perceived someone to blame me and within that, I haven't accepted and allowed myself to take a moment, Stop my reactions, BREATH and look within self honesty at the context of the words that were shared with me to see for myself, whether it is in fact a point that I require giving myself direction and walk the practical correction.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to give myself the permission to HEAR the point that is being discussed with me with no energy movement whatsoever, with no reaction nor backchat and instead allowing myself to unconditionally be Here, Hear other's perspective and introspect within myself, in self honesty whether I require to further look at the point and support myself within practical corrective application.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to physically lock myself within a past memory experience where I felt being verbally abused by someone who claimed to support me to step out of my EGO and thus, when and as someone suggest to me to look within and as myself for a specific point that I've missed, I lock myself to the extent of which my entire physical body is constricted, I access a defend mode and I'm not allowing myself to unconditionally HEAR what is being shared with me to be able to assess within and as myself, in self honesty whether I've actually missed a point that I require direct myself, correct and change.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand the cause/origin/reason for my body being constricted when and as someone is suggesting me to look within and as myself at a point that I've missed, was due to me not giving me the permission to actually face the point and to within self honesty investigate the point for myself as a defence mechanism that I've programmed myself within and as where I allow my EGO to be my directive principle within the accepted polarity design of being right/wrong, instead of me, being the directive principle in any given moment, unconditionally allow myself to expose, reveal and show myself to myself and thus, WILL myself to practically take responsibility for myself and direct myself effectively to change within and as myself according to the principle of Equality and Oneness as myself and my world.

I commit myself to NOT accept and allow myself to emotionally REACT when and as I perceived someone to Blame me and I thus, FLAG the point to assist and support myself to identity those moments and thus, STOP, BREATHE and bring myself within and as myself, to my human physical body, ground the energy back to earth and allow myself to HEAR what is being said and accordingly direct myself effectively.

I commit myself to assist and support myself to stop the nature of blame within and as myself and to thus, not accepting and allowing myself to sabotage my relationships just because I didn't take responsibility for my own back chat and within that, participating in my dishonesties, through using and abusing one's support of showing me a point that I've missed, and to hide behind my self protection mechanism to not face and direct the point within and as myself. 

I commit myself to STOP judging myself by taking myself personally, when and as I see and expose myself to the patterns that I've accepted and allowed myself to be and become, because I see, realize and understand that there is nothing personally within it - who and what I've programmed myself to be, is not me in fact, as a physical living expression and I have the ability and capability to CHANGE myself within and as the principle of what is best for all/oneness and equality and to not accept and allow myself to be anything that is less than that.

I commit myself to HEAR every single word that is being communicated with me and to stop all reactions, back chat, energy movement that comes up from within and as me. I give myself permission to unconditionally Hear, investigate and correct myself when and as a point within m require my direct alignment.

I commit myself to flag the point for myself when my body becomes constricted and locked down due to a past memory experience that is associated to the polarity design of being right/wrong within and as  EGO personality that I've manifested myself as and accordingly assist and support myself with changing who I am, in the moment of breath, letting go of the energetic charged experience, align myself back to myself; I realize that the constriction of my human physical body indicates a point that I do not want to look at and face and thus, I push myself to investigate the entire network, design, program that I've accepted and me, face it for what it is, correct myself and practically change. 

For more practical support - read - Daily Practivism: Facing Projected-Blame


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