Jun 29, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Fear of the Beggar Experience – Day 77

For context, please listen to: Live Review - The Money Experience

413-life-review-superman-of-the-streetsI forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to use the beggars on the street as motivation to excel in my life so that I won't end up in their shoes. Within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to even consider standing up for a change in the current world system so that no one will EVER have to stand in the shoes of the beggars of the streets because I've accepted and allowed myself to program and design my very beingness in the nature of self interest as the desire for my own happiness regardless of the Lives of others.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to be petrified that I will end up on the streets if something would go wrong and I wouldn't be able to support myself in this life, despite of the fact that it is extremely unlikely that I end up on the streets and thus, within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to step out of my self interest fears, to be able to see the physical horrific conditions that people are experiencing in this world, conditions that I wouldn't wish to anyone to experience and yet, I did nothing to assist and support them as I was too preoccupied in my own self interest survival.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exists within petrification of how my future is going to be in terms of my financial stability and security in this world because what I brought up to believe is that if you don't have money to support yourself, your life is worthless and you better die. Within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where the value of life is defined and determine by Money which in essence, if one look at the point, it does not even make sense that we keep allowing ourselves to keep defining Life as Money and thus, it is up to us to truly stand up for the future of all of us, and use what is here EQUALLY within and as the principle of give as you would like to receive.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that we have placed beggars as a motivation to excel in the world system to have our future secured instead of utilizing that motivation point to stand up for a world that is best for all to make sure that NO ONE will have to experience the life of a beggar unless they self honestly wants to.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to think that it's better for the beggars to die instead of facing their physical experience of suffering and pain and I haven't considered what I'm actually stating - if you don't have money, you better die and of course, within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed the thought to be valid without actually doing something to support those who are less fortunate in this world through redefining the Value of LIFE to Life that is best for all, rather than how currently Life is defined as: Life=Money.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to live in a world where beings are abusing the status of beggars to make profit/living despite of them having other means and way to literally support them and thus, making a bad name for those who are truly suffering and actually living on the street through the doubt that comes up when and as we see a beggar within the inner question - Is this person truly require assistance or he is faking?

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to question my back chat when I see a beggar on the street wherein, I will calculate how much money I can give to this person in a reference to the experience that I can have with that money. Within that, I have NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the money that I'm using for my own self interest experiences, can be shared with others to sustain their basic physical requirement to have a life that is worth while in this world.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the reason for why we are not sharing what we have so that all could have is because of the fear of not being able to have our self interest experience and we haven't expand and even looked at how we can make sure that ALL will have the utmost fulfilment experiences in this Life. And for that, I encourage you to investigate: Equal Money System/Entertainment.

I commit myself to show the irony of how we fear ending up in a very bad position in the world system and yet, do not do anything to change the current money system so that no one will ever exists in a position of suffering, pain and atrocity. Thus - show that you truly care and stand up for a life that is best for all because it's up to us to move/direct this world. Invest your time and investigate the Equal Money System.

I commit myself to show, reveal and expose our biggest fears of ending up in the worst position in this world system and how, we've done all that we could, to make sure that WE won't end up in those conditions and yet, we allowed the majority of this world to exists and experience this physical pain, hunger, horror. I commit myself to stand up for those who are unfortunate in this world system and implement a system that will take care of everyone EQUALLY so that all would have a worthy, dignified and fulfilling life.

I commit myself to assist and support myself with stopping the petrification experience with regards to my future within writing and self forgiveness application. Within that, I commit myself to place all the points for myself, all the possibilities and the outcomes that may come so that I could make sure that I stand no matter what, in absolute stability and trust.

I commit myself to show that self interest motivation based on fear of one's survival should and must be addressed and transform to a motivation to stand for and establish a world that is best for ALL.

I commit myself to show that a life of a beggar is equal to and one as a life of the elite in this world; is equal to and one as any animal and plant in this world; and thus, Life as the interdependent relationships, should and must be supported Equally.

I commit myself to show that our self interest desires for experiences is that which blind us from seeing what is really going on in this world and if we allow us to expand our self interest desire to a interest that include and involved everyone equally - all could have a fulfilling life, full with experience, so long as the experiences do not harm or abuse anyone else.


Leila Zamora Moreno said...

cool Maya -- definitely an interview all should hear

christine said...

Cool Maya, my own secret fear as I'm sure as all of us

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