May 23, 2012 | By: A Woman

Spirituality - The Bigger Plan - Day 40

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a light worker to believe and hope for a better future without me having to do anything about it but sitting on my ass, meditate and pray for Love and Light, despite of the physical evidence that even though the number of light worker increase over the years, the atrocities is worsening.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself as a light worker to question the relationship between the increasing amount of light worker participants and the elevation of the world catastrophes and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to justify and validate the world worsening condition with the statement: "it is part of a bigger plan" and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that the only way I'm able to speak such a statement is because I have money to support me and my life and I'm not starving to death like the majority of this world.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself as a light worker to see that by sitting on my ass and meditate within the belief that I'm doing something good in this world through raising the positive energies, I'm feeding my Ego personality through defining myself as a good and positive person but I have refused to see that by that very accepted and allowed behaviour, I'm in fact evil in my nature because I accept the belief of: "the world atrocity is part of a bigger plan, there is no need for me to actually stand up and practically/physically work towards a solution and change that is substantial in this world"

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a light worker to make excuses and justification for why people are being abused in this world through stating that: " it's their lesson to learn, they have chosen this life, they are paying for their past lives sins, it's part of the bigger plan, I was also going through this lesson in my past lives" and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to spite those who are suffering in this world because I believed they had to experience the absolute suffer in this physical world as part of their ascension process and I have never questioned, cross referenced and truly investigate the belief because I didn't really care for them as long as my life is protected and safe.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to walk the living expression of the words "Equality and Oneness" but rather, used and misused those words to higher up the good and positive energy within me in separation of me as a physical being because if I would have lived the physical expression of the words: "Equality and Oneness" I would do what ever is necessarily to be done so that All as One as Equals will have a dignified life on Earth, that the earth resources would distribute Equally, that no one will ever have to survive again, that everyone will have equal access to re-educate and apply themselves and practically change their very beingness, in every breath according to that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a light worker, to believe that there is a "bigger plan" for the atrocities of this world without me ever questioning the nature of the "bigger plan" and see in self honesty that the "bigger plan" is in fact an Evil plan - a plan that was designed to keep people enslaved to their mind as within, and to Money as without so that only a select few could experience a life of abundance.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that spirituality is based on knowledge and information that was misinterpreted and manipulated so that beings could remain enslaved to their mind, as energy and within that, wouldn't stand up for a practical and substantial solution that is physically best for all LIFE.

I commit myself to show, expose and reveal the Evil 'bigger plan' that was designed to control and enslave beings in this world so that beings could wake up from their delusional self interest dream/perception of Life and practically stand up and do something in this world that is substantial and best for all.

I commit myself to show in common sense why and how spirituality has become the most evil religion in this world as it is based on Self interest experiences that can only exists within and as the mind and as nothing to do with the physical reality.

I commit myself to expose the various aspects of Spirituality that I've participated with as a light worker and to share common sense of how I've seen for myself that Spirituality is in no way the solution that will practically and physically bring about heaven on earth.

Please read - Spirituality Under the Microscope - Volume 1 as well as Listen to the following interviews:
1. Spirituality - Astral Projections in Detail -
2. Spirituality - Out of Body Experiences -
3. Spirituality and Rebirth - (F*r**e*e Download)

Also suggest to read - Day 38: Rebirthing as Life


Kim Amourette said...

awesome support here Maya!

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