May 9, 2012 | By: A Woman

The Decision - Am I the creator? - Day 26

Artist - Scott Cook

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to make a decision of WHO I AM and thus, allowed myself to trust my mind who tells me Who I am according to my limited grasp of LIFE and I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that unless I make a decision of WHO I AM and live the decision within every moment of every breath, I’m giving up on myself, I’m giving up on Life that include everything and everyone and within that making a statement that I’m useless and worthless and I might as well die.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize what LIFE is. I see and realize that LIFE is interdependent relationships that form a support structure by always moving and directing within the principle of that which is best for all. The entirety of all the PARTS that forms LIFE must establish an agreement with themselves and each other to always move according to that which is best for all.  So – I start with myself;  I’m here making a commitment, a decision, to establish an agreement with all my parts, as myself to always move and direct myself and this world according to that which is best for all.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize the decision to be and become LIFE that is equal to and one with all the parts of me within all the relationships that forms LIFE is a moment to moment decision and physical application; it is the accumulation of moments as breaths and thus I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself in moment of falling into my mind where I’ve missed a breath to judge myself as unworthy instead of immediate bring myself back here, to my physical human body, correct and change myself and stand by my commitment to support and embrace myself, and come to terms with myself as the mind that I’ve become and yet, not accept the continuation of the limitations and abuse and simply BREATHE and move myself back to myself within the responsibility that I hold as the creator of LIFE.  

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that be and becoming LIFE is through making the decision of WHO I AM and even though I’m not standing Equal to and One as LIFE in this very moment, the very decision to become LIFE is my directive principle and everything that I will do from that starting point of become life will be determine by WHO I am.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to make the decision to be and become LIFE as WHO I am and direct myself according to this starting point within all that I do because I feared the implication of having to change in fact and thus, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed through fear to compromise myself and all that is HERE as the interdependent relationships that forms LIFE because I’ve allowed the fear to be my directive principle and abdicated the responsibility to decide and practically walk as WHO I am in every moment.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to make the decision of WHO I am because I’ve valued and trusted myself as the mind despite of the realizations that following my mind have got me nowhere as well as humanity as a whole and thus, I’ve missed the obvious of walking according to principle of What is best for all is the common sense practical physical living application within the responsibility that we have as the creator of LIFE as ourselves.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize what LIFE is and WHO I Am as the creator of LIFE and I’ve taken for granted and lived the definition of MY limited version of  LIFE as a separated individual with purposes of survival

And So Who I am is to first realize that who I am is PART of all the interdependent relationships that forms LIFE and thus, I, as an individual part of ALL - is the creator of LIFE. Being the creator of LIFE comes with a responsibility – To get myself back to myself as the practical physical living application in every moment of what is best for all so that whatever I create, I create from self honesty best for all principle within the realization of Who I Am as the creator of LIFE that is HERE;

When we were born, we were born with nothing and yet, we were given LIFE. Through the years, we’ve separated ourselves from LIFE and stepped into our mind. Thus the key is to re-birth ourselves and from Nothingness, to create ourselves and this world according to that which is best for all.

Who I am? I'm in my process to understand and realize creation because I created myself, I responsible for that which i've created without understanding creation, I responsible for How the world manifested to its current design because i've understood myself, i haven't sorted out myself and I've allowed myself to stand up and take responsibility for that very creation of myself and this world.
 For more blogs
Who I am is NOT what I have been taught that I am – Day 22

Who I am is a Free Choice?  Day 23

Inversion of purpose – Day 24



Anna said...

Awesome blog Maya - thanks for writing this point out.

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