May 8, 2012 | By: A Woman

What is Morality? Day 25

What is Morality and Why have I blindly accepted Morality to be my directive principle without even considering that expressional freedom is just behind the veil of Morality and that LIFE isn’t defined or confine to Morality because if Morality was the solution, we wouldn’t accepted and allowed a world that is based on greed, survival, corruption, crime, war, abuse and suffering.

Within this Blog, I will be looking at the Positive and Negative aspects and values that I’ve attached to Morality, I will be looking at How I’ve limited my expression according to Morality and How I’ve missed myself as Who I am as Life within separating myself from Life as Myself through the shade of Morality.

Moral – (From

2. Expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a literary work; moralizing: a moral novel.
3. Founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations.
4. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.
5. Conforming to the rules of right conduct ( opposed to immoral): a moral man.

It is clear that Morality as the Living Expression of the word according to how the system define the word ‘Moral’ wasn’t standing the test of time and does not in fact bring about a world that is best for all.

How many of us claim to be Moral and yet, none of us has actually stood up and question the morality of this world despite of the physical evidence that if we would walk according to what is best for all as the LIVING EXPRESSION of the word ‘Moral’ within the principle of Oneness and Equality, we would have made the distinguish between Self Interest principle and Equality and Oneness Principle and thus, wouldn’t accepted and allowed any form of abuse upon ourselves or each other and would practically have move and direct ourselves towards a world that is BEST for all.

Morality in this world was never practically lived and thus, we require having a close look at all the values and aspects that we’ve associated with morality and to test everything for ourselves from the perspective of – Look at the point, see the outflows/consequences test it and cross reference the point with yourself within your human physical body feedback.

Let’s start –

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that morality according to the system definition is based on self interest and EGO because if we have walked the LIVING expression of the word Morality within the starting point of Equality and Oneness wherein Morality in fact is – Applying the principle of What is best for all, we would not have created a world that is based on individualized purposes of survival which created and manifested a world of abuse, suffering, crime, war, corruption and cruelty.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that I’m limiting my own LIVING expression by blindly following the morality codes that I’ve taught to believe to be the truth as what is wrong and right.

I forgive myself that I’ve Not accepted and allowed myself to realize Who I am as a living expression of and as LIFE because I’ve bind myself to a separated version of me which I’ve defined as me and haven’t allowed myself to explore and investigate for myself what LIFE as equal to and one as me IS but instead, accepted and allowed myself to follow those that have gone before me despite of the fact that if they wouldn’t have known what is best for all as the living expression of the word Morality, they wouldn’t have accepted and allowed this world to exists as it is and they would have stand as an example for LIFE and yet, they did not.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to express myself unconditionally because I’ve directed myself to live according to morality and society codes and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to investigate and explore for myself what are the principles that I would like to direct myself as but walked blindly after those who have come before me, even though I was able to see their expressional suppression that has emerge within them and yet, I wasn’t strong enough to question those set of beliefs as morality because I’ve accepted morality as myself and within that belief, one shouldn’t question one’s culture and upbringing and I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to see the very deception that exists within Morality as a massive brainwash norm because according to morality, you can’t question morality which leaves us with a ignorant and deliberate set of roles to live by.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to create and manifest a religion of self within me that is telling me what is wrong and right according to the morality principles that I’ve accepted as me through my upbringing age and I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed the suppression of the beingness that is me that is equal to and one as life, through many layers of definitions and values that I’ve attached to the polarity design of wrong/right within the context of morality and thus, deny from myself the opportunity to actually practically LIVE and express myself unconditionally.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to question and investigate the moral codes and instead, taken the moral codes as it is and within that, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to live by limited and compromising codes that has no contextual relationship with what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to confuses morality with what is best for all because I’ve not seen, realized or understood that morality is based on self interest roles, definitions and values because if morality was based on principle of Oneness and Equality, we wouldn’t have allowed ourselves to create a manifest a world of abuse, suffering, war, corruption and cruelty.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how I’m compromising myself, my process and thus the world by obeying to the moral codes through participating in back chat, justifying why it’s cool to go against the belief of what is wrong but I haven’t considered that as long as I’m accepting the back chat in the nature of justification, I’m still being directed by the morality codes because if I would have given up the morality codes, I wouldn’t have back chat about it and I was simply here, breathings and directing myself in the upmost effective way, in every moment of every breath.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that when I rebel against the morality codes, I still accept and allow the morality codes polarity design to exits within and as me because if I would have seen and realized the consequences of participating in such design, I would have change my living application and stood stable in clarity and self trust. And thus, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the consequences of the morality polarity design as a direct reflection of our world that is best for only a select few while the rest are living in atrocity and I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted myself to see, realize or understand that there is nothing right or wrong as a morality polarity design and the only thing that is VALID in fact is a principle that is best for all and has nothing to do with one’s culture, religion and beliefs

 Morality and Relationships:

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to follow the morality and society codes within my relationships with beings in my world instead of coming to terms within solid agreement to assist and support each other in all ways possible to step out of the mind and become a living expression within and as this physical reality.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that relationships that are defined and valued within the morality design construct are invalid as the relationship is followed and based on individual self interest purposes of survival and when and as the self interest desire cannot be fulfilled within one’s relationship, the relationship falls and we jump to the next self interest based relationship within the hope that this time, it would fulfil our desires.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to unconditionally express and LIVE myself with my relationships with other human beings because I’ve followed the morality codes that are embedded within my mind and also, I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to dare to step away from the morality codes within my relationships, I’ve judged myself and immediately went into “correction” from the starting point of pleasing and thus, suppressed and compromised myself so that I could keep and hold on to the relationship due to the fear of ending up alone.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the relationship between morality and judgement and instead of allowing myself and others in my world to express themselves as Who they are as the beingness that they are, I’ve limited and compromised myself and others within the acceptance of the morality codes of what is wrong and what is right to do and behave.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand how limited and compromising the blinded following of the morality/social codes within one’s relationships and through trying and attempting to stand within the morality and social codes, I’ve separated myself from all that is here because my focus was to fulfil my desires within my relationship and I haven’t considered all of humanity as part of my relationships with all that exists, and I’ve accepted and allowed a part of me, within my separated relationship with the part that is me, to suffer from the day one born till the day one dies and thus, I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to established an agreement with myself and with all that exists, to walk, express and live only that which is best for all but instead, I’ve followed narrow and limited moral codes in spite of the physical abusive fact that moral codes has no affect in terms having a world that is best for all because if it was, we have all stand up together and wouldn’t have accepted the continuation of abusive world that we’ve created thus far.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed a world where relationships are defined by moral codes that we’ve set in separation of ourselves and each other according to self interest desires to fulfil one’s one purpose of survival and I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to judge myself when I didn’t stand according to the relationships moral codes because I haven’t taken a moment to investigate the outflows in self honesty and accordingly correct myself and I forgive myself  I’ve not became the directive principle within my relationships and thus, accepted and allowed abuse of myself and others by walking blindly according to morality polarity design that is in no way a support of an actual and practical self change and transformation to be and become LIFE that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to compromise myself and others whom I have relationship with when and as I see a point that require direction and yet, I haven’t stood up and directed the point in self honesty and self trust because if I would, I would have break the moral codes and I would have taken the chance to end the relationship but what I’ve failed to realized is that if a relationship ends because I’ve stood up according to principle that are best for all, the relationship wasn’t valid from the get go.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to judge myself when and as I’m not following the morality/socials codes within my relationships because I haven’t realized the attachment and values that I gave to moral codes even if I didn’t followed them and instead of sorting myself out and aligning myself to and as principles that are best for all, I’ve tried and attempted to correct my relationships through pleasing the companions within the starting point of having them forgiving me for disappointing them when I didn’t follow the moral codes of relationships. 

I forgive myself that I’ve not accepted and allowed myself to stand up within my relationships with other human beings because I feared that if I will, they will take it personally and blame and/or judge me because apparently, within relationship, one shouldn’t hurt another human being within the spectrum of the moral/social codes but what I’ve failed to see is that if we won’t assist and support each other to become life through following the moral/social codes, we are in fact abusing and compromising each other within our relationships.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that irony of the moral codes wherein, according to the moral codes, one must not do harm to another human being and yet, we accept and allow the harm of the majority of this world through our acceptance of this current money system that is based on corruption, greed, war and self interest.

I commit myself to stop following the relationship morality codes and instead, direct myself according to PRINCIPLES that are best for all and within that, I commit myself to LIVE and EXPRESS myself as the beingness that I am and when and as I see myself going into suppression due to a religion of self in the nature of morality, I stop, I breathe and I bring myself to the expression that I am, I push myself to go and explore that which I’ve programmed myself to resist to, to be able to see and investigate for myself WHO I am.

I commit myself to self correction living application within all that I’ve suppressed throughout my life due to a belief that it was wrong and if, when and as resistance emerge, I stop, I breathe through and I immediately correct my living application to see for myself Who I am within it.

I commit myself to stop follow the relationships moral codes and express myself unconditionally within my relationships with other beings. I commit myself to – when and as seeing a point that require direction, to direct it within self trust regardless the outcomes and consequences of ending the relationship because I see and realize that if a relationship is falling because I’ve stood up, the relationship wasn’t real from the get go.

I commit myself to expose the irony of the moral codes wherein, we’ve value only towards those whom we are in direct relationship with and we have no consideration towards the majority of this world whom we do not have a direct relationship with because we have separated ourselves into individualized purposes of survival that seek only for our own fulfilment of our desires instead of considering everything and everyone equally and within that, making sure that all will have equal access that all that is here and the fight for one’s survival will be no more.

I commit myself to value LIFE as what is best for all as my directive principle and I commit myself to find a way to change the current moral codes of self interest to what is best for all moral codes that each will be able to see for oneself in common sense and direct oneself accordingly.

Morality and Sex and Masturbation

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to explore and investigate WHO I am within sex and masturbation and thus, limited, compromised and separated from myself as the physical expression of sex and masturbation because I’ve defined sex and masturbation within the context of morality and had strict rules of what is right and wrong within sex and masturbation.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to failed to see that the morality as what is wrong and right within the expression of a physical sex and masturbation has been a major factor within one’s suppressions because we have accepted and allowed ourselves to be directed by the morality codes instead of taking the responsibility to investigate, explore and establish an intimate agreement with ourselves and our human physical body.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to investigate and explore myself within an intimate agreement with myself through masturbation.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to judge having sex with a being of my own gender because according to the moral codes, it is wrong and thus, I’ve denied myself a physical expression with another being of my gender and haven’t allowed myself to investigate and explore who I am within a sexual expression with another being of my own gender.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to limit myself to having sex with only beings in the opposite gender because I’ve feared of being judged and labelled as a lesbian without the basic realization and understanding that physical sexual expression isn’t defined by whom I’m doing it with but who I am within it.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to utilized masturbation to investigate and explore who I am within masturbation because a belief that masturbating is wrong and thus, every time that I did masturbate, I was limited to a suppress expression within self judgement of doing something wrong and haven’t allowed myself to truly explore and investigate myself within self intimacy.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to limit my sexual expression within having sex and masturbation through judging positions as wrong and thus, instead of allowing myself to explore sex and masturbation and see who I am within it, I’ve supressed and deny myself the opportunity to LIVE as a physical expression and instead, was confined and limited to my own mind, creating a religion of self in separation of me, of what is wrong and what is right without investigating and exploring the point for myself, as myself.

I forgive myself that I’ve NOT accepted and allowed myself to be and become intimate with myself and see my likes and dislikes within sex through masturbation and thus, lost myself within my mind when having sex with a partner through the belief of what is wrong and what is right and instead of allowing myself to express myself unconditionally, I’ve only used sex to please my partner within the fear of ending up alone instead of utilizing sex as a physical support, as a physical need.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to judge specific sexual expression as wrong within a morality design without having accepted and allowed myself to investigate it for myself and see who I am within those specific sexual expressions.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to judge gay and lesbian beings because it was wrong according to the morality codes that I’ve lived by.

I forgive myself that I’ve accepted and allowed myself to feared being judged and labelled as gay/lesbian if I allow myself to investigate and explore a sexual experience with a being of my own gender and thus, I’ve supressed myself and haven’t allowed myself to even go there within my own mind instead of letting go the morality codes judgement and allow myself to investigate EVERY point that I have resistance towards and see WHO I am within the point so that I could LIVE a fulfilment LIFE that is not defined by what is wrong and what is right but rather on WHO I am, as a living expression of LIFE.

I commit myself to having an intimate agreement with myself and to allow myself to investigate and explore WHO I am as a physical expression rather than a limited mind expression.

I commit myself to stop judging my sexuality and my sexual expression because I realized that what I’ve judged was due to moral polarity aspects that I’ve attached to sex and masturbation without realizing that sex and masturbation ARE a physical expression that can be utilize to support oneself in one’s process of stepping out of the mind and stepping into the physical equality and oneness reality.

I commit myself to stop limiting myself through judgement and allow myself to be intimate with myself as a living physical expression of myself.

I commit myself to stop judging other beings according to my own religion of self that I’ve created through a morality right and wrong and I commit myself to face all religion of self that I’ve created as myself and change myself to not accept and allow any limitation to control and enslave me within this physical reality.

I commit myself to learn and investigate sex as a physical expression and to assist with educating others to be and become intimate with themselves as a physical expression and I commit myself to assist and support parents to have skills to support their children within the physical sexual living application.

Within my next blog, I will be opening the following points:
Morality and Laws, Morality and Family, Morality and Money, Morality and Culture so… to be continued…


Marlen said...

Cool Maya Morals!

Thanks for sharing this point and opening it up

Ann said...

yes it is always about who we are, our starting point. Even when we stand for what is best for all, self honesty , lived equality etc... it wont mean this will bring a solution for all. Why? because it is not certain yet if the whole of humanity will hear and change.

So morality can be abuse, saying you are moral but not acting as it for example. Or it can only be practiced by some but not all= which makes abuse continue.
Same with equality, some say they stand fo rit but dont live it or fully understand it etc... and a group may stand up, but others not= which makes abuse continue as well.

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