Nov 7, 2013 | By: A Woman

Inferiority and voice tonality - Day 422

As we grow up and shape our character/personality - some of us would embody the inferior character and others would embody the superiority character. In many cases, those who embodied the inferiority character would present themselves as superior to suppress and hide behind the inferiority they have defined themselves as.

Voice tonality plays a major rule within the energetic design of the embodiment of inferiority/superiority.


Within my investigation process of myself, I've noticed that I have become the inferior character where I would present myself as superior to those who I define as inferior while I became inferior within myself when/as I defined another as superior to me. For most part, even with becoming aware of the "game" I was playing with myself,  I've not seen, realized or understood that this design consist of many layers and dimensions. Recently, another dimension opened up and that is in relation to voice tonality where I would over sensitively react to specific voice tonality of those whom I defined superior to me. But first, to understand the design of inferiority/superiority within relationships, I suggest listening to the YouTube interviews:


2010: 1 The Dynamics of Competition - Process Support

2010: 2 The Dynamics of Competition - Process Support

2010: 3 The Dynamics of Competition - Process Support.flv



I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react within and as myself when/as a specific sounds/voice tonality is being spoken by another whom I perceived to be superior to me wherein in one moment, I would shift and access my mind, allow energy to spread throughout my entire body to a point of shakiness and physical weakness which I've interpreted as powerlessness, not realizing that this experience of powerlessness is directly related to how I have defined myself in relation to another where I perceived myself as inferior and the other as superior, perpetuating this definition of myself through/as reacting to their voice tonality.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself disempower myself when and as specific sound/voice tonality is being spoken by another where I would immediately introvert within myself, looking for ways to get out of the experience of disempower by fighting with the other, not seeing, realizing and understanding that within the decision to fight with the other to what I perceived as empowering myself, I'm actually fighting for my limitation as I believed I must make the other see that I'm right as if that would empower me within their mind.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand that when someone is speaking in a specific voice tonality that I've defined as a tonality of an authority which I have programmed myself to reacted to, I have within that moment, limited my expression within the idea that they are the authority and I'm powerless. Within this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to NOT see, realize and understand that by accepting and allowing myself to react to a specific voice/sound, I cannot hear what the other is saying to me and thus, cannot assess whether what they stand for within that moment is of assistance and support for me to see a point that I've missed within myself or whether the other also accessed a reaction and we are both now dancing the reaction dance; The importance of assessing the situation is to then embrace the support of the other person who is standing at that moment as a support structure and accordingly move to self-correction or to either effectively direct us both to step out of the reaction game that we played and to instead assist and support each other to investigate what was the source of each one's reaction so that from there  we could then assist and support ourselves to develop effective communication where we empowering each other instead of limiting each other.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that within the starting point of defining myself as powerless and another the authority, I'm limiting my living expression as I give my power away to my mind to define who I am in relation to the relationships in my life and within that, not giving myself to in fact grow, expand and empower myself within the relationship that I have with another.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that by becoming angry when another speaks to me in a specific voice tonality, I'm distracting myself from the gift that the moment presented wherein, it is not about what the other did or didn't do, it is about who I am in relation to that person and/or voice tonality and how can I practically support myself to change.

(Please also read "From Reaction to Prevention and the Correction Process - Day 239")


I thus commit myself to be consciously aware of every and all reactions to another's voice tonality within the process of exploring and investigating who I am in relation to voice tonalities. In this, I commit myself to when and as I see myself reacting to a specific sound/voice tonality, to take a breath, stop the reaction within myself as I now understand where it started and where it would lead me if I allow the reaction to continue within and as myself.


I commit myself to when and as I see myself reacting to a specific sound/voice tonality, to transform the reaction to a gift wherein I allow myself to investigate and explore another layer within myself that I've not stood equal and one as, and accordingly move myself within the physical correction process.


I commit myself to change my living application wherein I would no longer accept and allow myself to define myself as more or less than others whom I am in relationship with and to instead, utilize the opportunity to learn and discover who I am in relation to myself and my relationships with others.


I commit myself to assist and support myself to stabilize myself in relation to voice tonality to eventually stand equal and one with and every sound/voice tonality and within that, not accept and allow myself to define who I am or who the other is according to their voice tonality.


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