Sep 1, 2012 | By: A Woman

Bring the point back to self - Day 141

To understand the context of this blog, please read first - Who will take the blame - Day 140



MayaH - kid india (Small12I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to react in anger towards those who cannot hear the message of what is best for all in general and the EMS in particular and within that, I have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that each one of us is a victim to our own brainwashed programming that we have came to be and accordingly, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to remind myself that it also took me a physical space time application to be able to hear the Desteni message and re-educate myself.


I see, realize and understand that it will take time and consistent application to educate the world within the principle of what is best for all and I realize that when and as I react and not standing in stability as the directive principle, I'm directly and indirectly, sabotaging not only myself but the beings I communicate with as I'm not standing as unconditionally support for them to be able to hear the message through placing myself in their shoes, equal and one, to see where they are within the existential process and direct the point as effective as possible, breath by breath.


I commit myself to when and as I see myself reacting in anger towards those who do not agree with EMS, to Stop, to Breathe, and to see where the being is in their existential process. I give myself the permission to remain quiet or to speak directly according to what I see would be the best in that moment as I see, realize and understand the programming that involved and what is require to be done in order to assist and support the beings I communicate with.



I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to experience inferiority when and as people that I communicate with justify their point of view with history and because my knowledge and information about history is lacking, I experience myself as adequate to communicate and explain the EMS message.


I now see, realize and understand that the Living experience of this current world is the consequences of our acceptance and allowances throughout history and therefor, we are the living memory of our History. Within that, knowing the details of the History is irrelevant because what is relevant is that which is here and there is no doubt that what is here is not a world that is best for all.


I commit myself to when and as I experience inferiority within and as myself due to having lack of knowledge and information about History when communicating about the EMS, to stop, take a breath and remind myself that we are the living memory of our history and what is require to be done is change the current living experiences of this world as it is not a world that is best for all. Within that, I commit myself to direct the communication with Common Sense, step by step according to the equality equation which means that when I communicate with people that disagree to the EMS, to walk with them the common sense time line through which they would be able to see why and how the EMS is the only solution that is possible on earth as the initial step to bring about a world that is best for all.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for not being able to bring through a direct communication that people would see the common sense in the EMS and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to realize that the reason why I wasn't able to bring through a direct communication with regards to EMS was because I wasn't standing within and as myself, as communication but rather, tried and attempted to justify and defend myself, as I accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from what is here as well as the people I was communicating with by missing a breath.


I see, realize and understand that when I miss a breath and communicate in separation from myself through reaction, I compromise myself, the beings I communicate with as I've abdicated my responsibility to stand in stability, common sense living application, breath by breath and direct the moment effectively.


I commit myself to when and as I see myself accessing a defensive mode within my communication with other beings, to stop, to breath and direct the moment as effective as possible according to what is see as best for all in every given moment.


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