May 19, 2012 | By: A Woman

Sickness as imaginary Friend - Day 36

* this post is a continuation from yesterday's post: - How to prevent Sickness - Day 35

Disclaimer - Within this blog, I'm writing about a specific living experience that I've defined as sickness which was not a physical condition thus, with any sickness/illness/element/physical discomfort, make sure to always to consult a medical practitioner to get the necessary physical support and assistance.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself a world system that is educating and teaching children how to avoid their responsibilities with faking sickness via the Media as Movies and TV series.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed as a child in this world to fake sickness to get attention because children knows that their parents fear that the child is really sick and so, act on the fear with accepting the sickness and giving the child attention.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself as a parent in this world to fear for my children health so greatly that I had to accept my child faking sickness as if it was true and within that, I've failed to see that my responsibility as a parent is to educate my child to have Life skills to be able to face what ever is required to be face in Breath instead of developing alternative coping mechanism such as faking sickness.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world were children are not able to communicate with their parents openly and share what is going on inside themselves because the parent perception of Life might be different from the child perception of life and thus the children found that faking sickness is effective as a get away solution from that which they do not know how to face and direct.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fake sickness as a child in this world because there was something that I didn't want to face in school but because I didn't know how to direct it or communicate about it, I've manipulated my parents because I knew that they will not take the chance of sending me to school when I'm sick.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world system where the children are not provided with Life Skills tools to assist and support themselves in this physical reality which led them to find alternative solution to cope with their reality by faking sickness.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world system where the parents do not have Life skills as well as parenting skills and thus, when facing a child that is faking a disease, they must believe the child because they wouldn't take the chance that the child is really sick due to their fear of their children's health without facing the fear and correct themselves to be able to assist and support their child to face reality and direct themselves within this world effectively.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed as a pediatrician in this world to accept fake disease because I wouldn't take the chance that there is something that I've missed even though the physical evidence show differently because I fear that I will be accused with medical malpractice and I haven't realized the consequences of my acceptance of the children's fake diseases and how it will effect their life in the years to come.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed the children in this world to not be educated and supported by their parents to practically live and express themselves to be able to become an effective human beings in this world to such an extent that children are manipulating their parents through faking sickness because that is the solution that is currently provided for them to cope with this reality.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to fake sickness as a grown up when I didn't want to go to work because through childhood I've used this tool to avoid my responsibilities.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to take a day off with being direct about it and thus, believed that I have to fake a disease.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to participate in the morality design that faking a disease to avoid going to work is wrong and thus, to feel good about myself for not going to work, I've manifested a physical disease so that I could feel good about myself that I'm not really lying.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to within faking sickness to avoid going to work, accepted the morality design of my doing and thus, to validated and reasoning the sickness, I've accepted the sickness to such an extent that I've become it and thus manifested it as a physical discomfort.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider investigate the reason why I do not want to go to work to see what is it that I'm hiding from myself and accordingly sort myself and direct myself, I've faked a disease because that is the tool that I've learn from my childhood to avoid my responsibilities.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world system where beings require to fake a disease to avoid going to work and I've failed to see the fault in the current money system of promoting stress in the name of survival without any practical support and thus, beings who are not educated to support themselves within this reality, find the easy way out by getting sick and within that, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed the sickness manipulation in this world because I would rather accept it than look at the faults of this current money system and actually doing something to change the system to a system that practically support LIFE.

I commit myself to develop education system to provide life skills for everyone in all age spectrums and within that, assist and support parents to have parenting skills to assist and support their children to be and become effective human beings who are actually and practically living and expressing themselves breath by breath.

I commit myself to assist and support the children in this world to have LIFE skills so that they can face what ever comes up in their reality and effectively direct it.

I commit myself to Establish a support system to all beings on earth so that sickness manipulation won't be required and beings could direct themselves effectively in this world without harming and abusing themselves and their human physical body.

I commit myself to research and investigate how to assist and support human being to be and become self responsible human beings who do not require any excuses such as faking sickness to avoid their responsibility within an Equal Money System

I commit myself to educate and investigate the human mind to be able to assist and support myself as well as others in this world.

I commit myself to develop and establish an educational curriculum that will be based on Life skills that children  are required to become effective in their living application


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