Mar 9, 2014 | By: A Woman

Dig a hole and Hide myself - Day 456

Every now and then, we find ourselves embarrassed about something that we said or did and we literally want to hide far far away so that we would never have to face the consequences of our deeds. These moments becomes then memories that we carry inside ourselves as a constant judgment we have upon ourselves; and we promise ourselves that we would never repeat the same mistake again, we build a protection mechanism within ourselves and yet, for most part, we find ourselves repeating the same patterns when for a moment, we put our guards down and the programming/pattern kicks in and the cycle start again.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to define self value through the eyes of another where 'who I am' is defined according to the outcome of an event instead of realizing that self value is defined according to who I am in relationship to any given moment in the sense of - whether I supported myself to learn something new about myself, what alignments are required within myself,  what can I  correct within myself to prevent future consequences and accordingly, pave the way before me to physical change.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to want, need, desire others to value me according to what I do/say, because I've separated myself from what 'Self-Value'  is, as a living application and expression of myself, in the sense of defining Value in the context of what I do instead of self value in the context of who I am within what I do.


I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that exposing a pattern that was hidden within myself is the best gift I could give to myself because within that, I am able to see where I am not yet aligned within myself, where and how I have separated myself from myself, and so, forgive myself,  take responsibility for the pattern that was exposed, do the alignments within myself and physically live the correction until the alignment is physically integrated as an expression of myself.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to feel embarrassed by a mistake that I've made because I feared that others would judge me the same way that I judged myself when I made a mistake and/or how I would have judged others that would have made the same mistakes. However, within that what I haven't realize is that the more I give attention to what I think/perceive others are thinking of me, the more I suppress the actual point that require attention, alignment and correction within and as myself.


I forgive myself for accepting and allowed myself to judge myself for mistakes that I've made instead of immediately moving to self corrective application - learning from the event, sourcing the problem and directing the solution within and as myself.


I thus commit myself to be humble with myself when and as a point that was not aligned within myself is exposed and therefore, to immediately forgive myself, source the core of the misalignment, align myself, and physically correct my living application when and as the point reveal itself again.


I furthermore commit myself to not accept and allow myself to see myself through the eyes of the others as I see, realize and understand that who I am is not defined according to what I do/say but who I am is determined by who I am in what I do. Meaning  self value is defined according to who I am in relationship to any given moment in the sense of - whether or not I supported myself to learn something new about myself, whether or not I took responsibility for the point, whether or not I self honestly investigated what alignments are required within myself and therefore, accordingly, whether or not I paved the way before me for correction in physical real time.


I commit myself to assist and support myself to physically correct my living application when a point that was not aligned within myself opens up as I see, realize and understand that judging myself and taking myself down is a point of limitation but learning, aligning and physically correct myself is a point of self movement/direction and thus self empowerment.







Anna Brix Thomsen said...

Cool simplistic self-support here Maya!

Carlton said...

Thanks Maya

Unknown said...

Great read for me to begin the day. Thank you Maya.

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