Aug 25, 2012 | By: A Woman

Sexual Journey - Early Adulthood years - Part 2 - Day 134

This is a continuation to:

Sexual Journey - Day 132

Sexual Journey - Early Adulthood years - Day 133


Continuing with yesterday blog because I wasn't completely satisfied that I've written all the points in the utmost specificity and also, I was writing from a personal point of view instead of seeing the pattern that played out within myself and others as myself in one's early Adulthood years in relation to Parents, children and sexuality.




I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where there is a collective acceptance with regards to no communication about Sex at home and therefore, the child always ended up with discovering, exploring and investigate one's sexuality by oneself, carrying the resonant influences the parents are holding upon sex and sexuality and accordingly, the child would either be open to sexuality and would allow oneself to explore sexuality or the child would suppress one's sexuality due to a set of belief that it's wrong, forbidden and bad.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where the children are not being educated with regards to sex as a physical expression from the perspective of what would support the physical body and what wouldn't and thus, the child would go and investigate the points for oneself, most likely to expose oneself to abuse of oneself and the body because the child wasn't prepared for the Real Life but instead, was exposed to sexuality through what one's seen or heard over the media, develop likes and dislikes and would never in fact explore Sex as a physical expression of oneself but would end up having sex through the mind as one had develop and manifested ideas/fantasies/illusions about sexuality that one would try and attempt to live out or suppress, according to what one is carrying from one's parents' belief systems.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where sexual education is based on a polarity of FEAR of getting STDs when having sex with multiple partners and on the other hand, sexual experiences are prompt over the Media that activates one's sexual fantasies that one desire to manifest for oneself. In this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where the media is pushing children to have various kinds and types of sexual experiences and thus, when and as one finds out that one cannot manifest and align the illusionary sexual reality with the physical reality, one would simple go and find another adventure, with a new partner, repeating the same cycle as the desire for a specific experience that one would never achieve, which lead one to find a new partner.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where parents do not educate their children with regards to sexuality, as the parents are busy reacting to that topic as it defined as something one shouldn't communicate with one's children, as something one should only do in a relationship when one is old enough. In this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where parents are not educated themselves in how to educate their children and in this, children left alone to discover their sexuality depending on the resonance imprint their parents had passed onto them.


I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where children experiencing Shame and Guilt for having sex despite of their parents not allowing them to experience sex until the conditions are met according to the parents' eye's view and in this, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed a world where children do not have a proper sex education that would allow them to express, explore and investigate who they are as a physical sexual expression and instead, they are pushed through to their minds, to develop multiple ideas about sex and sexuality where they later on attempt to manifest despite of the self abuse they would take themselves through within and as themselves.


Also, I suggest listening to:

What is Sex - Who am I as Sex - Part 30

What is Sex - Why am I as Sex - Part 31


For more context, please read -

Sexual Expression – Overview  Day 112

Investigating Sexual Expression - Self Forgiveness Part 1 - Day 113

Investigating Sexual Expression - Self Commitments - Part 1 - Day 114


Investigating Sexual Expression - Part 2 - Day 121

Investigating Sexual Expression - Self Forgiveness - Part 2 - Day 122

Investigating Sexual Expression - Self Commitments - Part 2 - Day 123


Spilling semen in vain - Day 115

Spilling semen in vain - Self Forgiveness -  Day 116

Spilling semen in vain - Self Commitments -  Day 117


Be Fruitful and Multiply - Day 118

Be Fruitful and Multiply - Self Forgiveness - Day 119

Be Fruitful and Multiply - Self Commitments - Day 120


Sexual Inadequacy - Overview - Day 124

Sex in the Dark – Sexual Inadequacy–Part 1 - Day 125

Sex in the Dark – Sexual Inadequacy – Part 2 - Day 126

Sexual Education - Part 1 - Day 127

Sexual Education - Part 2 - Day 128


My Partner is Boring - Let's breakup - Day 129

This relationship is BORING - Self Forgiveness - Day 130

My Partner IS BORING - Self Commitments - Day 131


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