May 14, 2012 | By: A Woman

Waiting for Heroes to Save us - Day 31

Art by Scott Cook

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see the relationship between the media and the passiveness beings that we have become wherein from a very young age, we have been exposed to the Heroes concept, of someone that will always be there to save the day and thus, became apathetic beings in our day to day application, refusing to take responsibility for this world through the hope and belief that everything will be ok, and somebody will take the responsibility so we don't have to step out from our comfort zone and actually do something.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the manipulative nature within the heroes concept that children are being exposed to from a very young age wherein those who create the TV series and Movies are being prompt with Money/Profit while the majority of this world becomes passive in their Living application in terms of walking according to principle of what is best for all and thus, the cycle of profit continue on the behalf of promoting the heroes concept while the physical reality conditions do not change and more abuse and suffering occurring in this world.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that children are programming themselves through the symbolism that they have been exposed to in the TV series and Movies wherein they from that moment, direct themselves to get positive energy experience through Energy, Money and Love and therefore develop imagination/illusionary domain in their mind (Personality) and accordingly aligning themselves to the mind domain personality instead of practically living within and as the physical reality.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that imprint of energy experience that is manifesting when the children are being exposed to the Heroes concept in the TV series and Movies wherein the experience of power as self interest relationships and the pursuit of happiness is being Lived or attempted to live throughout one's life, to get to self reward as positive and good energy in the world system through Money and Power and Love.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to see the starting point of Heroes concept TV series and Movies as Money and profit and I haven't consider the consequences of existing within a world where the imprint of self rewards through  Money and the self interest Pursuit of Happiness is being manifested in a very young age instead of educating our children to be and become effective human being that direct and move themselves according to principle of Oneness and Equality.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed as a parent in this world, to preoccupied my child with TV series and Movies so that I could have a moment of quiet for myself, and I've failed to see the consequences of doing so - I support the children in this world to imprint the energy experience that they gain when watching TV and thus, develop entire network illusionary/imaginary backchat in their mind and then, they try and attempt to relive this experience of good energy from Power, Money and Love without any physical context as a living application of what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed as a parent in this world to refuse to expose my children to the news and to the real conditions that the world is based on and instead, prompt in their mind with illusionary positive experience within exposing them to children TV series and Movies and I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to consider the consequences of keeping them in the illusionary buddle in their mind wherein they become a self interest human being that direct and move themselves according to experience of Power Money and love in total disregarding to what is really going on in this world and thus, generation after generation of self interest emerge where principle of what is best for all isn't applied and a world of abuse and suffering keeps on cycling because we haven't taken the responsibility of Changing ourselves and this world to a world that is practically best for all where all have a dignified lives. 

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the relationship between consumerism and children's TV series and Movies and I haven't allowed myself to see that the children of this world are becoming consumers seeking for rewards as Money and Energy from a very young age and thus, becoming grownup consumers with no regards to the abuse that is being done to the earth resources only to be able to sustain their positive energy, self interest rewards through Power, Money and Love. (For context, Please watch 'Consuming Kids')
Art by Scott Cook

I commit myself to educate the children in this world to be and become effective human beings that are not defined by self interest Power, Money and Love and thus, human beings that stand up for LIFE that is best for all from the get go.

I commit myself to expose and show the abuse that is being allowed within the Children TV series and Movies and to stop the imprinted positive experience of Power, Money and Love within children mind and instead, educate them to practically Live in the physical reality according to what is HERE and not according to one's self interest programmed mind personality.

I commit myself to present a way for a real physical self living application and that Life that is Best for all can by studied, understood and practically applied.

I commit myself to STOP the money driven starting point within creating children TV series and Movies and instead, present a solution for educational LIFE skills development so that children could differentiate between what is REAL as the physical and what's NOT and accordingly move and direct themselves within themselves and this world.

I commit myself to expose and show the abusive nature of child marketing through the children's TV series and Movies and show how marketers have used psychology to transform children into a powerful and profitable consumer in this world.

For additional reading -

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept the training and influence of the minds of children with super heroes and games without realizing that in the mind, conversations as thoughts will form INVISIBLE to all but the specific child that will shape character and decision-making, focused on self-interest with an underlying sense of invincibility  that will play life like a game to win, regardless of how that would cause consequence to others who are invisible to the immediate view of the decision/game being played.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate the real me as man, as flesh, to understand how I as flesh function, but instead I based me on the mind as knowledge as what I know me to be, based on my conclusions made on experiences and feelings where the real origin and context of these energies is in fact invisible to me, and due to its invisibility I gave the mind super hero status, as if it is invincible, because I do not really know myself, I only know the knowledge I based my fake self on that is busy destroying all that defines Life at a rapid pace.

Please watch my Vlogs:

2011: I am looking for my Hero

2010: SuperMan in Smallville - Fantasies come true?


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