Can you put your past behind and forgive those who hurt you?
Can you put your past behind and see the true potential of those who wounded you the most?
Can you forgive yourself? Can you forgive your past? Can you forgive others?
I found that the most difficult thing in my process was moving myself to a point of absolute forgiveness towards myself and/or others and especially in situations where I perceived others doing something to me with the experience of them stabbing me in my back. It is interesting to see how the thoughts were always in the nature of blame and anger towards the others and inside of me, self-responsibility was rarely to be taken.
I've been walking the process of self-forgiveness for quite some time and yet, there were times that I felt that I just could not forgive the other and I pushed them out of my life to protect myself from getting hurt again. Even though I could see and understand the mind pre-program design that took place, I felt that I couldn't absolutely forgive them and I justified to myself that the person will access the pre-program design again and will hurt me again. And oh boy, I really believed myself. Guess what? What happened when you fear something? You create it.
I found myself in a vicious cycle, unable to move myself to a point of resolution, forgiveness and creation and was stuck in anger, blame and fear; and what I fear the most manifested in my reality - the experience of betrayal and stabs in my back repeated itself which further enhanced my belief that the other cannot be trusted. Inside myself, I this concluded that removing them from my life is the best thing to do.
Interestingly enough, I was asking myself the most powerful question - If I cannot move myself to a point of absolute forgiveness, how can I expect others to create a world of respect, integrity and support of one another? If I am unable to move myself to absolute forgiveness, how can I expect others to change? If I am unable to let go of the past and start creating a supportive relationship with those whom I perceived to hurt me the most, how can I expect humanity to move towards creation by letting go of revenge, anger and blame?
When I looked at the above questions, another dimension opened up - If I cannot forgive another when their preprogram design played out - not only that I am sabotaging myself, I am also compromising the other as I am not standing in a point of support for them. I doom them to forever be stuck in their preprogram design because I took their program personally and haven't supported them to change; I doom myself to forever remain in anger, blame and fear and I lock down any possibility to create a change for myself and them. This was something I could not accept and allow to exist within myself. And so, I created a space inside of me for absolute forgiveness.
By moving myself to a point of absolute forgiveness, I discovered what it means to create and the potential that lies when we stop holding the past against ourselves and others. The power of absolute and genuine forgiveness is undeniable; It is only through absolute forgiveness that a change that is worthwhile, is possible. This is a gift beyond and gifts. This is a gift that only ourselves can give to ourselves.
"If I am unable to let go of the past and start creating a supportive relationship with those whom I perceived to hurt me the most, how can I expect humanity to move towards creation by letting go of revenge, anger and blame?" - Very good question. Though, I find it difficult to understand how is it that I can create a relationship with those that I have cut off my life/who have hurt me...I have also done this a lot. Do I need to talk to/approach this people again? Or is it more about who I am in relationship to them that changes, the point of absolute forgiveness?
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Maya - timely support!
Bitia, you got it - it is "who I am in relationship to them that changes, the point of absolute forgiveness"
Will clarify this point further in one of my next blogs.
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