Jun 24, 2012 | By: A Woman

Politics - the Face of this World - Day 72

This is a continuation to:

Ann (8)I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see and realize that within the current Democracy system in this world, the politician are elected as a direct relationship to how much money they have spent to advertise themselves in the Media instead of being elected within a true democracy system wherein the Politicians would only function as Administrators execute that which the people are standing for.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that the current politic system is an engineered democracy system where the people have no real free choice and the choices are being implanted through a massive brainwashed technics, supported by Public relations specialist, as was proven within the following documentaries: 'Peace, Propaganda and the Promise Land' as well as 'Spywar', Century of the Self' and the 'Trap'. I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see that our so called free choice was always controlled to result with a specific outcome that will benefit those in power positions, in spite of those who are being hurt on the way - the majority of this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that governments and politicians use the approach of ‘TRUST ME’ to gain the voter’s confidence, regardless of the fact that anyone with common sense can deduct from the public policy that promises will NOT be realized and that the country and world will NOT become a better place with ANY of the current policies in the world, as the policies ONLY protect those WITH MONEY. Bernard Poolman

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that the politician have in their mind my best interest and they will take care of me and my country, and I have failed to see, realize and understand the forces that works behind each and every decision making where the first interest the politician serve will be one's own even if it means making a decision that is not best for the people.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand 'HOW' the politics system works and functions within the belief that they must know what's best for me because I have no clue and within that, I have failed to walk my responsibility as a human being on this world, to practically check and investigate the current nature of politics today and thus, demand being a part of a day to day 'life changing' decisions so that I could make sure, that every decision is being done from the starting point of that which is best for all rather then how decisions are being made nowadays where the starting point is to serve the interest of the one in power who make the decision.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to believe that the politician have my best interest and they are standing as the change that I want to see in this world, despite of the physical evidence that this world is in no way a world that is best for all, as 3.3 billion people are starving to death and the middle class is fighting for their survival with no way out of the survival cycle within the accepted world system that is directed by our beloved politicians of this world.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see how one hand shakes the other hands within the decision making of the politicians in this world and that the actual decision isn't being done for the sake of ALL but rather for the sake of the few that control and influence the decisions to serve their interest even if it not, in no way, a decision that is best for all.

I forgive myself, has a human being in this world, that I have accepted and allowed myself to put my faith and hope and thus, my power, in the hands of the politicians, despite of them failing the test of time wherein, the principle that they stand as pre the elections is in no way comes as an absolute establishment after the election and thus, time after time, we have been misguided and yet, fully believed the politicians and within that, abdicated our responsibility to direct and move our lives, and the lives of all, according to principles that are best for all in absolute implementation in a practical and physical way the principle that we stand as.

I commit myself to stand by and as the principle of a true Democracy and thus, assist the development and establishment of the Equal Money Policy in relation to Democracy:
"Democracy in an Equal Money System will Practically engage Every Citizen of the World to Vote on Every Aspect that will influence Day to Day Living, and No Politician will have Any Power to Make Decisions. Politicians will only Function as Administrators Effecting the Will of the People".

I commit myself to show and expose the massive brainwashed sheep that we have become, with the support of those who have influenced and controlled the mass by utilized human behaviour research, and thus manipulated the people through extensive mind control technics, instead of utilizing the research to assist and support the human to effectively change. Within that, I commit myself to show, through investigate myself and placing my self-research in writings - how we had never a real free choice as our choices were always controlled and influenced by those who stand in power positions, as was proven in the documentaries: 'Peace, Propaganda and the Promise Land' as well as 'Spywar', Century of the Self' and the 'Trap'.

I commit myself to show, step by step, how politicians has their own self interest in mind and not at all the interest of the people because if it was so, this world would already been a world that is best for all.

I commit myself to explain in detail and common sense why we Require and MUST establish an Equal Money System that will be for the benefit of all; within that, why and how we must take our responsibility to direct and move ourselves in this world and to stop for once and for all the system of power and control that enslave the majority of this world so that only a few could have an abundance life.

I commit myself to be part of the development of a new POLITIC, new DEMOCRACY system that is a join effort of each and every individual within active participation and will thus take the power back to ourselves to be part of the day to day living decisions that physically effect our lives and the lives of all. 

I commit myself to change the face of this world through changing the starting point of each and every decision making that is effecting our day to day living experience wherein, I commit myself to FIRST start with myself by making sure that every decision that I make is based on the principle of what is best for all and within that, stand as the change I want to see in this world, practically and physically.

I commit myself to show how through abdicating our responsibility within placing our power in faith and hope, we are in fact responsible for the future of this world as it was us, all the way throughout history who have created this world in ignorance and it is us now, we require to educate ourselves and become a fully participant human being in the creation of a new world that is best for all.


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