Jun 21, 2012 | By: A Woman

Manifested Belief as a Crime against Humanity - Day 69

For context, listen to the interview - How Energy and Money benefit from our Physical-Separation?

246868_117094168375945_100002260870618_155075_3530212_nI forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take for granted the hate towards my fellow neighbours within the belief that I must defend my country against them and thus, fight for my right to exists in my country and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to question the belief and investigate the history of man to see the real nature of the belief of hate and why it was created and accordingly, stand up for myself and educate my people as well as the world with regards to the nature of such beliefs that serve only those with Money, disregarding the LIVES that are being destroyed daily in wars that only fatten the bellies of those in power.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to pass the hate I feel towards my neighbours to my children and thus, being responsible for continuing war and essentially allowing crime against humanity, because I haven't taken a moment, within my responsibility, to investigate the nature of the beliefs that we have against each other and to see, that it was all started with rumours and gossips that was supported by the Elite of this world who benefit from crime and war.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to take for granted the hatred feelings that I feel towards my neighbours because that was the cultural belief I was grew up with and within that, I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to question my feelings and have simply accepted them to be valid through the cultural acceptance which I've defined myself according to and as.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to exists within and as constant war between humans, which I've defined as normal because I believed that I must protect myself against human nature, against those who wants to harm me and I have failed to see, realize and understand the brainwashing that was involved with imprinting those beliefs within humans; the brainwashing that was involved with the creation of the evil human nature that we must protect ourselves against. And thus, I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to - instead of standing up and prove to myself that a change is possible, as within, so without and accordingly, stand as an example in this world because I start seeing, realizing and understanding the variables that were and are involved in this current world manifestation as a whole as well as us the individuals and thus, through a process of self education, I commit myself to show, expose and reveal, in great details how we have become what and who we have become and accordingly, present a solution for internal and external change in this world.

I forgive myself that I've NOT accepted and allowed myself to see the consequences of me raising my children within separation from themselves and their neighbours; that the consequences that manifested is a world that is based on abuse, suffering, crime against humanity, atrocity and not at all a world that I would actually want my children to born into; and thus, I take my responsibility to educate and raise the children of this world within and as Equality and Oneness so that instead of them participating and continuing the separation gap between human beings, they will instead be the glue that stick together all of humanity as a whole within and as a world that is best for all wherein the principle that would direct LIFE will be LIFE unlike Money that determine the lives of us all. For context - please listen to the song: Money or God by Matti Freeman.

I commit myself to go back in time and do proper research and investigation, with regards to the origin of hatred towards our fellow human beings and within that, track the path of money to see in more depth and clarity the relationship between the inherent belief of hate and money and how we have created the world we live in today.

I commit myself to show, expose and reveal the origin/source/reason for war/crime against humanity and the relationship between it to the elite of this world and obviously, Money.

I commit myself to assist with the development of educational programs for children and parents, for those who are willing and who dare to see our responsibility in the creation of this world and thus, one by one, we will stand up, educate the next generation to come to slowly but surely manifest a world that is literally, practically and physically best for all.

I commit myself to show, explain and expose the nature of the hatred that we have against each other that is based on inherited beliefs that were passed on from generation to generation and within that show who and what is benefiting from the imprinted beliefs throughout time.


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