In this blog post, I will continue sharing the story of how and why I had realized that everyone has a potential including myself and how this realization assisted me in changing the course of my life where I am able to walk as a living principle to my utmost potential. Thus, for the context, please read through the previous blog posts:
The Desteni of Living - My Declaration of Principle - Day 474
Realizing and living my utmost potential (Part 1) - Day 475
Realizing and living my utmost potential (Part 2) - Day 476
Realizing and living my utmost potential (Part 3) - Day 477
As I am writing this blog series, I am seeing how much of my life I had missed just because I could not allow myself to realize that I have a potential and accordingly embrace myself and walk to my utmost potential. I hope that this blog series will reach as many people as possible so that through my story,you are able to support yourself to see and realize that you already have a potential which you are able to embrace as who you are and accordingly support yourself to live your utmost potential; the bottom line is - everyone already has a potential that they are able to live as/by.
In the last couple of days, I was questioning why it was so difficult for me to realize and embrace my potential; why, despite of the physical results/feedback or the physical play-outs, I refused to acknowledge this points that was always existing inside me, as me. I was questioning why throughout my entire life I didn't accept myself or allowed myself to worthy myself as who I am but instead consistently desired to be something that I am not instead of perfecting what I am naturally good at.
I wrote the above about a week ago and as I was writing, points of resistances came up so I had to take a moment and investigate what's really going on. I was coming back to this blog every day, writing and deleting, writing and deleting - something wasn't aligned. I kept on looking at the points and questioning myself, my application, my living expression and I couldn't see what wasn't aligned. Shame, I really wanted to believed that I already realized my utmost potential and that I am living this potential already but in self honesty, I could see that I was not - there was something that I was still missing.
Tonight, I was determine to find the point that I was missing the entire time - it was a moment where I told myself - enough is enough - time to face this point. So I came back to this blog and I saw what I was writing and suddenly the point reveal itself - I found the misalignment:
I have defined 'potential' as an absolute point, as a future projection, as something that is not yet 'here'; as something that I will only reach if I 'know' who I am in every single moment in time where I no longer participate in the mind. This is a pattern of self diminishment - it is the source of the resistance that I experienced a few days ago while writing the blog - I was measuring who I am now to whom I can become as an absolute point in the future (this I will be expanding and clarify in another blog ). So, if anything, the potential was and is already 'here' - I have the potential to change myself, I have the potential to forgive myself, I have the potential to fine tune my living application.
In my next blog post, I will share how I am assisting and supporting myself to change from seeing points as an absolute to realizing the potential and the process/direction that I have to walk to develop and perfect the potentials that I am able to see in myself.
art work: Robert McGinnis, 1926 ~ American illustrator
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