May 27, 2013 | By: A Woman

The Early Catastrophe - Day 375

A research conducted by Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley regarding Poverty and Academic Growth have proven the effect of Unequal opportunity in this world.


The table below represent one dimension within the result achieved within years of research, data record, observations and analysed:



As you can see, by age 3, children from welfare families are exposed 2.23 times less words/vocabulary than children from Professional families. As a result, a child from a welfare family would speak half the vocabulary size than a child from a professional family.


What was also interesting in this research was that the language growth of a child is not only dependent on the words/vocabulary the parents speak at home but also, the experience of the child towards the feedback the child receive, a feedback that is spoken with words. The research shows that in Professional households the children are being positively encouraged by their parents within a ratio of 6:1 meaning - for every 6 encouragement feedbacks, one prohibiting feedback were spoken. However within the welfare families, the scenario is very concerning with the ratio of 1 encouragement to 2 discouragements feedbacks. That means that in the first 4 years of a child life, a professional family would expose their child to accumulated amount of 560,000 more instances of encouraging feedbacks while the welfare family would expose their children to 125,0000 more instances of discouraging feedbacks. It is safe to imagine the psychological problems children from welfare families face within their informative years where their vocabulary is far less advance and their personal character  is unconstructively built.


The research also shown that children would most likely to become the exact duplicate of their parents:


"By the time the children were 3 years old, trends in amount of talk, vocabulary growth, and style of interaction were well established and clearly suggested widening gaps to come. Even patterns of parenting were already observable among the children. When we listened to the children, we seemed to hear their parents speaking; when we watched the children play at parenting their dolls, we seemed to see the futures of their own children."

That indicate that the cycle would repeat itself and thus, their children would also be exposed to discouraging feedback and lack of vocabulary growth.


The research concluded the following:

"Estimating, as we did, the magnitude of the differences in children's cumulative experience before the age of 3 gives an indication of how big the problem is. Estimating the hours of intervention needed to equalize children's early experience makes clear the enormity of the effort that would be required to change children's lives. And the longer the effort is put off, the less possible the change becomes. We see why our brief, intense efforts during the War on Poverty did not succeed. But we also see the risk to our nation and its children that makes intervention more urgent than ever."


So understand - the cycle of ineffective human being will continue for generation after generations unless we create a system within which, everyone can be the best through effective training and education system.

For many, there is no equal opportunity to become something that is worthwhile in this world when one is doomed to a life of poor vocabulary and ineffective character building as that is what prevent one from being successful in this world.

Within the Equal Money System, a reform of education will take place where parents would be train to enhance their vocabulary through restoring their natural learning ability with advance technological tools. Once the parents developed effective vocabulary and communication skills, they could stop the cycle by standing as an example for their children, speak wide and expanded vocabulary within the correct context, content and meaning. Here one must understand that we cannot base hopes on the educational system to remediate old vocabulary that was placed ineffectively within the child body. For instance:

"So, a student hears the word 'transportation' in a book about trains," said Ms. Silverman, who was not involved with the Michigan studies. "If the teacher doesn't explain it in a general context, the student might not get the full sense of the word, and might think it's just related to trains."

(Source: Students Must Learn More Words, Say Studies - By Sarah D. Sparks)


This is why, to change the world to a world that is best for all, we must start with ourselves, expand ourselves and become effective communicators, effective example for the generations to come and the ones responsible for the production of a better human being. The Education starts at home and without understanding how the human physical of the child naturally learn vocabulary.

SO - would you be part of the solution or part of the problem? You decide.



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