Jan 5, 2013 | By: A Woman

The Secret Agent is being Targeted (Part 2) - Day 265


This is a continuation to the Previous blogs:

The Secret Agent in the Mind - Day 261

The Rewards and Justifications of the Secret Agent Character (Part 1) - Day 262

The Rewards and Justifications of the Secret Agent Character (Part 2) - Day 263

The Secret Agent is being Targeted - Day 264


Note - for the purposes of having a context to the following, I suggest to first read the previous blogs before continuing.


Before I continue to the "Targeting System" in the Mind, I would like to bring forth another example of the 'Targeting System' within our society.


The Destonians, are nothing but Secrets - we are sharing our processes all over the internet, we expose the truth about this reality and make sure to be heard and be visible as must as possible.  From that perspective, we act as the 'Agent' that decided to question the system and speak up not only about the world system but also about our realization regarding our preprogram belief-systems as we expose, face, investigate and correct  the religion of self we have accepted and allowed ourselves to exists as, throughout our lives.


What every Destonian face, already in the early stages of their process is the "Targeting System" from their inner circle of Friends and Family as well as the anonymous online executor of hate speech/verbal abuse.


Why? The Destonians are a threat to one's 'ordinary' life path that is aligned to one's programming. Maybe, before you continue, and if you do not familiar with the term 'programming' and 'Pre-Programming' then you should first read my blogs: The Correction Process and The Desteni Message (Part 3) - Day 200.


When a Destonians stand up and start questioning their Pro-Program Design, their Belief systems, their Personalities, their Life-Decisions and through this, slowly but surely change who they are into and as a living example, they stumble upon Resistance from their environment. One's change become visible which forces the 'Loved ones' to take inner look within themselves but they don't particularly would want to do that. They would rather make the Destonian stop their process and go back to their original Life path which through that, the family and friends could remain ignorant because, again, ignorant is bliss if you have the money to afford the bliss.


Like with the Government/agencies - the Family will try to manipulate and lure the Destonian right back to where they think the Destonian belong, through offering them rewards and materialistic benefits.

I should know - I was offered a house, a car and a year freely salary if I would to return to the personality I was before I started my process. 


"...All of this Developing through many Generations, as the Parents subdue their Children to make sure they would Walk in the Parental Footsteps. And so we have Reached an Age, where Every Law of the Land, is in fact, in some way related to Protecting All facets of the Religion of Self. As that is the BASIS that is being Exploited within Consumerism in this World, under the Auspices of “Freedom of Choice”, in search of one’s Highest Self-Expression in the Pursuit of Happiness. " Does God Exist in the Afterlife?


As you will continue walking with me this blog series, you would notice that the foundation of the Targeting Systems is Fear of Survival. So stay tuned as we slowly but surely expose the unspoken truth about the Secret Agent - as within, so without.



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